Memory and Portraiture

Memory and Portraiture.

In the nineteenth century, ‘death portraiture’ or ‘post-mortem portraiture’, was a
common cultural practice. What social role did photographs of the dead play, and
why is the practice no longer as popular as it was in the nineteenth century? What is
meant by the terms ‘death portraiture’ and ‘post-mortem portraiture’? Locate 3

visual examples and address them in the essay. Locate scholarly articles on the
subject, and discuss the social significance of the ritualisation of memory through
memorial portraiture. Here are two possible sources but look for others and utilise
the bibliographies:

Memory and Portraiture

Sample Solution


There may be two reasons behind this answer; the anthropomorphic view towards the giant panda throughout history and the fact that the species is endemic to China. Regarding  Memory and Portraiture the anthropomorphic view, some students answer that the species represents Chinese personality. The other explanation is that the species is an ancestor of Chinese people in the mythology. These two explanations demonstrate that the anthropomorphic attitudes to the giant panda may lead to consider the species as the symbol of China. This anthropomorphism for the giant panda can be also seen in the hu Memory and Portraiture manistic value. In addition to an anthropomorphic view, the fact that the giant panda is endemic species in China can be the main factor of being the symbol of China. Students showed their understanding of the uniqueness of the giant panda such as habitat preference or specialist diet with their ecological knowledge, as described in the ecologistic-scientific value. Therefore, it could be assumed that the ecological features of the giant panda can be also one of major factors for identifying the symbol of China. These two reasons provide more depth of the Chinese attitudes towards the giant panda than literature review conducted by Yang (2005). As she suggests, this study also found that the symbolic value plays the key role in determining the attitudes towards the giant panda, and that few students indicated the influence of the media. However, the behind of this attitudes, there are several factors, which related Memory and Portraiture  to the anthropomorphic view in their culture including the mythology, and the ecological knowledge from school education about giant pandas, according to this interview survey. Moreover, it should be also noted that students revealed contradiction statements towards the giant panda. While interviewees showed their emotional attachment for the species, they also mentioned the use of the species as an attraction of tourist and the “tool” for the diplomatic relation. In this research, it is difficult to discuss this inconsistent stance of the students because of the lack of information. More information on following points would help to establish a greater degree of accuracy on this matter; (1) t Memory and Portraiture he relevance of nine basic values towards the giant pandas to test whether the symbolic value is the most significant determinant, (2) the influential agencies, such as the media or school, to construct people’s attitudes towards this species, or (3) further investigation of the contradictory attitudes towards the giant panda. However, for further research, it should be consid>

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