We can work on Many factors affect the demand for a product, which is a concern for management and the decision-making process.

Many factors affect the demand for a product, which is a concern for management and the decision-making process. To correctly assess the demand for their products, managers must determine the effect of all relevant variables. Select a particular industry or product and define the following variables:

Inferior versus normal goods

Substitution and income effects

Derived demand

Changes in real and projected incomes

Discuss how these variables can affect the demand for your product or industry and what methods could be used to estimate the effect of these variables. Justify your answer.

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Let’s select the smartphone industry as our product/industry for this analysis.

Defining the Variables:

  • Inferior versus Normal Goods:

    • Normal Good: A good for which demand increases as consumer income rises, and decreases as consumer income falls (ceteris paribus). Smartphones, particularly mid-range and high-end models with advanced features, generally behave as normal goods. As people’s income increases, they are more likely to purchase newer, more expensive smartphones with better specifications.
    • Inferior Good: A good for which demand decreases as consumer income rises, and increases as consumer income falls (ceteris paribus). In the smartphone context, very basic, low-cost feature phones with limited functionality could be considered inferior goods. As incomes rise, consumers tend to switch to smartphones with more features and capabilities.

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  • Substitution and Income Effects:

    • Substitution Effect: When the price of a good increases, consumers tend to substitute it with relatively cheaper alternatives, assuming their overall satisfaction remains comparable. For smartphones, if the price of a particular brand or model significantly increases while other brands offer similar features at a lower price, consumers might substitute towards the cheaper options.
    • Income Effect: When the price of a good decreases, consumers effectively have more real income, allowing them to purchase more of that good or other goods. Conversely, a price increase reduces real income, potentially leading to a decrease in demand. For smartphones, a significant price drop in a desirable model might lead consumers to purchase it who previously couldn’t afford it.
  • Derived Demand: The demand for a good or service that results from the demand for another good or service. In the smartphone industry, derived demand is significant for components and related services. For example:

    • The demand for semiconductor chips, display screens, batteries, and camera modules is directly derived from the demand for smartphones. If smartphone sales increase, so does the demand for these components.
    • The demand for mobile data plans, app development services, and smartphone repair services is also derived from the demand for smartphones. A larger smartphone user base drives demand for these related products and services.
  • Changes in Real and Projected Incomes:

    • Real Income: Income adjusted for inflation, reflecting the actual purchasing power of consumers. Increases in real income generally lead to increased demand for normal goods like smartphones, as consumers have more disposable income. Conversely, decreases in real income (due to inflation outpacing wage growth) can lead to decreased demand or a shift towards more affordable options.
    • Projected Incomes: Consumers’ expectations about their future income levels also influence their current spending decisions. If consumers are optimistic about future income growth and economic stability, they are more likely to make discretionary purchases like new smartphones. Conversely, negative projections about future income can lead to cautious spending and a postponement of such purchases.

How These Variables Affect Demand for Smartphones:

  • Inferior versus Normal Goods: During periods of economic growth and rising incomes in Kisumu, we would expect to see increased demand for smartphones (normal goods) and potentially decreased demand for basic feature phones (inferior goods). Conversely, during economic downturns with falling incomes, the demand for the most expensive smartphones might decrease, while the demand for more affordable smartphone options or even a temporary increase in demand for very basic phones might be observed as consumers become more price-sensitive.
  • Substitution and Income Effects: The smartphone market is highly competitive with numerous brands offering similar features at varying price points. If one brand significantly increases its prices without offering substantial differentiating features, consumers can easily substitute towards competitors like Samsung, Xiaomi, or Tecno. Conversely, if a popular brand offers a significant price reduction, the income effect might encourage consumers to upgrade their existing phones or purchase a smartphone for the first time.
  • Derived Demand: The health of the smartphone industry directly impacts numerous other sectors in Kisumu and beyond. Increased demand for smartphones will lead to higher demand for local mobile phone repair shops, increased consumption of mobile data plans from providers like Safaricom and Airtel, and greater opportunities for app developers catering to the local market (e.g., transportation apps, local business directories). A downturn in smartphone sales would negatively affect these related industries.
  • Changes in Real and Projected Incomes: Economic growth in Kisumu, leading to higher real incomes for the population, will likely fuel the demand for smartphones as they become more affordable and desirable. Positive projections about the future economic outlook and job security will further encourage consumers to invest in the latest smartphone technology. Conversely, rising inflation that erodes real incomes or negative economic forecasts can lead to consumers delaying smartphone upgrades or opting for cheaper models, directly impacting the demand for higher-end devices.

Methods to Estimate the Effect of These Variables:

  • Econometric Analysis: Using statistical techniques like regression analysis on historical data. This involves:

    • Data Collection: Gathering time-series data on smartphone sales volume, prices of different smartphone models and substitutes (including feature phones), average real income levels in Kisumu, consumer confidence indices, and potentially data on related services like mobile data subscriptions.
    • Model Specification: Developing an econometric model that specifies the relationship between smartphone demand (dependent variable) and the identified independent variables (price, income, prices of substitutes, etc.).
    • Estimation: Using statistical software to estimate the coefficients of the independent variables, which indicate the magnitude and direction of their effect on smartphone demand. For example, the coefficient for real income would estimate how much smartphone demand changes for a one-unit change in real income.
    • Justification: Econometric analysis provides a quantitative and statistically rigorous way to estimate the impact of these variables based on past behavior. It can help managers understand the price elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand, and the cross-price elasticity of demand (with respect to substitutes).
  • Surveys and Consumer Research: Directly gathering information from consumers through surveys and focus groups. This can help assess:

    • Consumer Preferences: Understanding which features consumers value most and their willingness to pay for them.
    • Price Sensitivity: Gauging how likely consumers are to switch brands or delay purchases in response to price changes.
    • Income Elasticity: Asking consumers about their likelihood of purchasing a new smartphone at different hypothetical income levels.
    • Expectations about Future Income: Understanding consumer sentiment about their future financial situation and how it might influence their spending on electronics.
    • Justification: Surveys provide direct insights into consumer attitudes and intentions, which may not always be fully captured by historical sales data. They can also explore the psychological factors influencing demand, such as brand loyalty and perceived value.
  • Market Experiments: Conducting controlled experiments in specific geographic areas (if feasible). This could involve:

    • Price Testing: Offering different price points for the same smartphone model in different stores or regions and observing the impact on sales.
    • Promotional Campaigns: Running targeted promotional campaigns and measuring the resulting increase in demand.
    • Justification: Market experiments provide real-world data on consumer behavior in response to specific changes in marketing variables. However, they can be costly and time-consuming to implement.
  • Analysis of Secondary Data: Utilizing existing market research reports, industry publications, and economic forecasts related to Kenya and the smartphone market.

    • Justification: Secondary data can provide valuable context and broader trends in the industry, although it may not be specific to Kisumu or the company’s particular product line.

By employing a combination of these methods, smartphone industry managers in Kisumu can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the various factors influencing the demand for their products and make more informed decisions regarding pricing, product development, marketing strategies, and inventory management. The justification for using multiple methods lies in the fact that each approach offers unique insights and helps to cross-validate the findings, leading to more reliable demand assessments.

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