While the Latinx Social Movement Introductions scratch the surface of a movement, primarily outlining the who, what, when, where, why, & a brief discussion of influence, the group presentations are “deep dives” into the movement chosen by the group. As the majority of categories are broadly defined as a
movement started and sustained by Latina/o/x gente, that means the presentation group will look into the involvement of all major national and cultural groups covered by the course who fit within the pan-ethnic term. For example, if a group’s movement is Latinx entertainers, then this would include U.S.
entertainers of Cuban, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Colombian, and Dominican descent.
Presentations should seek to provide a narrative of the movement, i.e. telling the story of how it began, who began it, how it sustained, grew, and/or ended (if applicable). Who has the movement helped or hindered? Did it effect the U.S. and/or Latinx communities culturally, economically, politically, etc.? Which
generation of Latinx began the movement and has the movement altered or shifted in the 21st century? Where can the influence of the movement be seen in popular culture (if applicable)? What sort of reception did the movement receive within the Latinx community and by the larger U.S. culture?
Power Point/Slides/Prezi Presentation Requirements:
- will utilize a presentation platform (OURS IS PowerPoint)
- will provide multimedia support to accompany text. Such as (but not limited to): images, video, & audio clips
- will have a works cited slide at the end of the presentation
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