You have been encouraged by a colleague to write an article about “CEOs and presidents” for a management journal. You have decided to compare the leadership styles of three leaders. Using the Library, the Internet, and your course materials, write a 8-10 page report that elaborates on the following:
In your article, provide the following:
An introduction to the concept of influence processes
An explanation of the role of influence in contemporary leadership
A discussion of the various types of influence processes and the factors that can affect them
The methodology used to identify and research the leaders selected for this report
An analysis of the influence processes used by the three leaders. Identify the processes that the leaders and top management team are using or have used to impact their organization.
A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the influence processes used by the three leaders relative to current and future challenges facing leaders in global organizations.
A summary of the key attributes of the influence processes employed by these leaders to effect positive organizational change or improved performance.
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