Choose one of the following health topics to discuss:
Illicit drug use
Teenage pregnancy
Lung cancer
Task 2
Write a 2-4 (double-spaced) page paper that addresses the following:
A brief overview of the health topic, including a description of the condition and trends in the U.S. Note observed disparities in incidence and prevalence.
A discussion about social and other determinants of health related to your topic, and how it relates to observed disparities. For example, you may discuss the relationship between race, gender, and SES and how these factors influence your chosen health topic. Also provide an explanation for why differences exist between groups.
You will need to discuss 3 determinants for full points.
A brief description of current or proposed solutions addressing the topic and/or decreasing disparities related to the topic. This can include government policies, organizational efforts, etc. If no policies exist, provide a suggestion for possible policies that can be implemented.
Please include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.
Include at least 2 outside sources, properly cited using .

Sample Answer
Teenage Pregnancy: A Persistent Public Health Issue
Overview of Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy, defined as pregnancy occurring in females aged 19 or younger, remains a significant public health concern in the United States. It can lead to a range of negative health outcomes for both the mother and child, including:
- Health Risks for the Mother: Increased risk of complications during pregnancy, such as premature birth, low birth weight, and maternal mortality.
- Health Risks for the Child: Increased risk of birth defects, low birth weight, and developmental delays.
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