We can work on Ideologies or purposes of punishment and how these ideologies can affect sentencing

Explore various ideologies or purposes of punishment and how these ideologies can affect sentencing.

First, identify at least three key ideologies or purposes of punishment. Select the ideologies or purposes you would like to explore a bit more and enter one in each open text box in the “Ideology/Purpose” column in the provided Module Two Assignment Template.

Note: You may repeat ideologies or purposes more than once if you would like, but you must use a different sentencing structure with which to explore the impact.
Then, choose at least three sentencing structures to enter into each open text box in the “Sentencing Structure” column. You may enter them in any order you wish in order to explore the effects of the structure on the ideology or purpose of your choice. For example, you may wish to explore the effects of mandatory minimum sentences on retribution or rehabilitation. Select the three pairs that interest you the most.

Note: Use the list of sentencing structures found in the Project Guidelines and Rubric.
Finally, in 100 to 150 words for each of the three effects you will explore, describe how each ideology or purpose and the sentencing structure you selected in that row affects sentencing. What is the impact of each sentencing structure when you are trying to achieve the ideology or purpose you have identified? Consider the following in your response:

Does it help achieve the goals of that ideology or purpose? Does it hinder them?
Does it create potential new pathways of punishment or, at the very least, new approaches to punishment?
What happens to the system when you combine these different ideas?
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Identify key ideologies or purposes of punishment.
Choose a sentencing structure for each ideology or purpose.
Explore how each ideology or purpose and its corresponding sentencing structure affects sentencing.

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More than 100 chemotherapy drugs are used in cancer treatment, either alone or in combination with other drugs or treatments. One such drug is Cyclophosphamide. Cyclophosphamide (CPA) which belongs to the class of oxazaphosphorines is an alkylating agent. It had been listed as one of the most successful chemotherapy drugs on the World Health Organizations List of Essential Medicines. Cyclophosphamide possesses marked immunosuppressant properties against both humoral and cellular immunity because of which it has been extensively used to treat a variety of childhood and adult malignancies (Thomson et al., 2002; Colvin, 1999; Triphaty et al., 2008) including breast cancer, lymphomas and leukemias, retinoblastoma, small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, sarcomas and multiple myeloma (Fleming, 1997), since its initial synthesis in 1958. But over the time its use has been declining because of it having adverse genetic effects. The chemical is activated by the hepatic P-450 cytochrome and its metabolites phosphoramide mustard and acrolein are linked to its antineoplastic and other toxic side effects (Colvin and Hait, 2009; Salmon and Sartorelli, 1995). CPA has been recommended to be used as a positive control chemical in genetic toxicity tests (OECD, 1997; Krishna et al., 1995). CPA has also been extensively tested by various mutagenicity/antimutagenicity assays to induce dominant lethal mutations, mononuclei, DNA damage and generation of free radicals or Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in vivo (Ferguson, 1994). Thus based on all the pharmacological properties of Equisetum arvense, especially the antioxidant effect which is desirable for an antimutagenic property, in this study we evaluated the anticytotoxic and antimutagenic effects and its corresponding benefits to humans with the possible mechanisms of action of this plant against the damages induced by antineoplastic agent CPA. Certain plants, however, can also directly induce mutations and/or chromosome aberrations under certain conditions. It is reasonable that while some medicinal plants may suppress the effects of mutagens, others may have toxic or mutagenic effects (Vicentini et al., 2001). However, it is>

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