We can work on How sea power influences the actions of nations.

Explore how sea power influences the actions of nations.

Create a 260-270 word response that addresses the following points:

Why is sea power an important element of the great power competition?
Identify a current example of the great power competition that poses a challenge to U.S. interests and the motivation behind each actor’s behavior.
Explain the influence that sea power could have on the example you have identified.

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Sea power remains a crucial element in great power competition due to its ability to project influence globally. Control of strategic sea lanes ensures access to vital trade routes, resources, and the ability to deploy military forces rapidly. Naval dominance allows nations to enforce maritime law, deter adversaries, and maintain a credible defense posture. In an increasingly interconnected world, where economic and security interests are intertwined, sea power provides a decisive advantage.

A current example of great power competition challenging U.S. interests is China’s assertive actions in the South China Sea. China’s motivation stems from its desire to establish regional hegemony, secure access to vital shipping lanes, and control valuable resources. They are building artificial islands, and militarizing them, challenging international law. The U.S. interests include maintaining freedom of navigation, upholding international law, and preventing any single nation from dominating the region.

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Sea power plays a pivotal role in this scenario. The U.S. Navy’s presence in the South China Sea acts as a deterrent to further Chinese expansion. Freedom of navigation operations conducted by U.S. naval vessels challenge China’s territorial claims and reinforce international law. The U.S. can also use its naval power to support regional allies and partners, strengthening their defense capabilities. However, China’s growing naval power, including its aircraft carriers and anti-access/area denial capabilities, presents a significant challenge to U.S. sea control. The ability to project power in this region is a key component of the great power competition.

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