1) As a police officer, describe how important it is to support community problem-solving and broken windows policing by applying problem-solving techniques.
(2) Explain and discuss leadership in problem-oriented policing.

Sample Answer
- The Importance of Community Problem-Solving and Broken Windows Policing:
Building Trust and Relationships:
- Community problem-solving emphasizes collaboration between police and the community. By actively listening to resident concerns, understanding the root causes of crime, and working together to find solutions, officers can build trust and foster positive relationships within the community.
- This trust is crucial for effective policing. It allows for the free flow of information, enhances community cooperation in investigations, and increases the likelihood of voluntary compliance with the law.
Proactive Approach to Crime:
- Broken Windows theory suggests that visible signs of disorder, such as graffiti, vandalism, and public intoxication, can create an environment where more serious crime can flourish.
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