, you explored the importance of documenta!on in government compliance and repor!ng. When assisted by
technology, documenta!on becomes easier to capture and maintain, as well as less prone to errors, which in turn improves
the pa!ent experience.
This ac!vity will help you describe how technology supports regulatory compliance in healthcare. It also enables you to
explain how regula!on, fraud, and abuse impact opera!ons and pa!ent care.
You work within a healthcare organiza!on as the director of quality, and your chief compliance officer has asked you to create
a memo to be distributed to the en!re organiza!on. They have asked that the memo focus on how an organiza!on can be#er
manage risk to the revenue cycle and healthcare reimbursement by examining ways to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse.
Create a memo to assess how the following laws and regula!ons can help a healthcare organiza!on reduce fraud, waste, and
abuse and thereby manage risk to the revenue cycle and reimbursement. Also, recommend strategies and technology to help
an organiza!on abide by the laws and regula!ons. Refer to the following laws and regula!ons to guide your response:
False Claims Act
Physician Self-Referral Law
An!-Kickback Statute
An!-Trust Laws
You may refer to the âAc!vity Readingâ resource in the module resources sec!on to be#er understand how a memo is
structured. If you need wri!ng support, access the Online Wri!ng Center through the Academic Support module of your
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
- False Claims Act: Analyze the impact of the False Claims Act on the organiza!onâs reimbursement, coding, and
strategic planning. Consider the following ques!ons to guide your response:
What are the provisions of the False Claims Act?
What penal!es could an organiza!on face for viola!ng the Act?
- Physician Self-Referral Law: Analyze the impact of the Physician Self-Referral Law on a healthcare organiza!onâs
reimbursement, revenue cycle, and strategic planning. Consider the following ques!ons to guide your response:
What are the features of the Physician Self-Referral Law?
How does this law help prevent fraud and abuse in healthcare?
- An!-Kickback Statute: Analyze the impact of the An!-Kickback Statute on healthcare reimbursement and referrals.
Consider the following ques!ons to guide your response:
How is the An!-Kickback Statute different from the Physician Self-Referral Law?
What kind of financial penal!es would be a#racted by the viola!on of this statute?
Sample Solution
Furthermore, the Culture of resistance Network too encourages education for children in the Middle East affected by war, with a philosophy of âEducation not Warâ (Cultures of Resistance Network, 2018). They believe that access to school prevents children from becoming involved with war. Another agreed upon scholarly perspective is that if awareness spreads, child soldiers will stop. Tim Molyneux from Child Soldiers International believes that global efforts need to intensify in order to reintegrate child soldiers. He also thinks that if the international community recognizes the importance in solving this large issue, then it will stop. The goal of Child Soldiers International is to share information with the world and to promote youth engagement in the process. A lot of scholars agree that awareness needs to spread in order for a change to occur. Moreover, reintegration is also vital for former child soldiers. A consequence of using children in armed conflict is the physical and mental damage that remains within these innocent children. They need to be educated and counseled in order for them to succeed. Stephanie Tremblay from UMECS agrees that education and programs are key to reintegration and fixing the consequences that come from child soldiers. There are many causes that are rooted behind the continuance of child soldiers, however, lack of education and peace are significant sources. Also, the world remains oblivious to the problems of children in armed conflict in the Middle East. This is why scholars are taking the strides that they have. The red handprint day and other corporations spread awareness. Organizations have been created to spread awareness and provide former child soldiers with education. They also encourage children to learn about peace in order to prevent future children from becoming involved in war. The outlying roots of child>
Furthermore, the Culture of resistance Network too encourages education for children in the Middle East affected by war, with a philosophy of âEducation not Warâ (Cultures of Resistance Network, 2018). They believe that access to school prevents children from becoming involved with war. Another agreed upon scholarly perspective is that if awareness spreads, child soldiers will stop. Tim Molyneux from Child Soldiers International believes that global efforts need to intensify in order to reintegrate child soldiers. He also thinks that if the international community recognizes the importance in solving this large issue, then it will stop. The goal of Child Soldiers International is to share information with the world and to promote youth engagement in the process. A lot of scholars agree that awareness needs to spread in order for a change to occur. Moreover, reintegration is also vital for former child soldiers. A consequence of using children in armed conflict is the physical and mental damage that remains within these innocent children. They need to be educated and counseled in order for them to succeed. Stephanie Tremblay from UMECS agrees that education and programs are key to reintegration and fixing the consequences that come from child soldiers. There are many causes that are rooted behind the continuance of child soldiers, however, lack of education and peace are significant sources. Also, the world remains oblivious to the problems of children in armed conflict in the Middle East. This is why scholars are taking the strides that they have. The red handprint day and other corporations spread awareness. Organizations have been created to spread awareness and provide former child soldiers with education. They also encourage children to learn about peace in order to prevent future children from becoming involved in war. The outlying roots of child>