Health Care Literacy Presentation

Health Care Literacy Presentation

Select two strategies focused on health care literacy for developing an intervention targeted to a selected population or cultural community. Use information and knowledge, you have collectively gained from the course to create a PowerPoint slide presentation that accomplishes the following: 1–The presentation must incorporate information on policy formation, research, and technology. 2–You are required to use a minimum of six scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles, with citations. 3–Your presentation is to contain 12-15 slides, exclusive of title and reference slides, complete with speaker notes. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Health Care Literacy Presentation


Sample Solution


An Examination of Sugar Addiction as a Substance Use Disorder Conceptual In the most recent decade, numerous investigations have bolstered the addictive idea of sugar. In this assessment of sugar enslavement, we investigate the parallels with su Health Care Literacy Presentationbstance misuse issue and feature the consequences for the mind and body just as the mental and organic hazard factors that may make an individual defenseless against sugar habit. We speculate that characterizing sugar compulsion as a substance misuse issue in a future adaptation of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) will change strategy to improve general wellbeing, and limit the expenses of metabolic issue like diabetes, stoutness, and coronary illness on the economy. Watchwords: sugar dependence, substance use issue, dopamine, impulsivity, stoutness Overall corpulence rates are quickly rising. In 2016, an expected 30% of Americans beyond 18 years old, and practically 20% of youthful grown-ups were overweight or large, as characterized by a weight record (BMI) more noteworthy tHealth Care Literacy Presentation han 30 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016); and they are anticipated to increment to 80% by 2023 (Wang, Beydoun, Liang, Caballero, and Kumanyika, 2008). Somewhere in the range of 29% and 47% of stout people meet the criteria for voraciously consuming food issue (BED) (McCuen-Wurst, Ruggieri, and Allison, 2017). Notwithstanding, we recommend in this audit of the writing that the nourishment dependence model is an increasingly fitting component when taking a gander at corresponds and reasons for the advancement of d Health Care Literacy Presentationietary issues and metabolic issue, including insulin opposition, diabetes, and weight. The DSM-5 criteria for BED is constrained in that it centers to a great extent around conduct, pain and disgrace brought about by the dietary issue, and needs affirmation of the neurobiological vulnerabilities and impacts (American Psychiatric Association, 2013a). Then again, the nourishment fixation model recommends that sustenance, particularly profoundly satisfactory, prepared nourishments that are high in sugar, fat as well as salt are addictive (Davis and Carter, 2014), and hence might be the fundamental reason for BED and metabolic issue, including heftiness. For this assessment, we chiefly center around the addictive idea of sugar, as most of nourishment enslavement studies have demonstrated that sugar admission is more addictive than fat or salt, and feature the various natural and mental parallels to substance (Avena, Bocarsly, Rada, Kim, and Hoebel, 2008; Avena, Rada, and Hoebel, 2008; Davis, Loxton, Levitan, Kaplan, Carter, and Kennedy, 2013; Hoebel, Avena, Bocarsly, and Rada, 2009; Hone-Blanchet and Fecteau, 2014; Ifland, Preuss, Marcus, Rourke, Taylor, Burau, Jacobs, Kadish, and Manso, 2009; Page and Melrose, 2016; Tran and Westbrook, 2017; Wong, Dogra, and Reichelt, 2017). It is outstanding that addictive medications actuate the dopaminergic compensate pathway. The mesocorticolimbic pathway, which incorporates the ventral tegmental zone (VTA), core accumbens (NAc) and the frontal cortex, is particularly ensnared in the support of the utilization of these substances. These regions discharge abnormal amounts of dopamine, which produce an euphoric state, and help structure “preferring” inspirations and positive relationship toward the addictive substances. In any case, as the medication is over and over expended, resistance works in the body, and “enjoying” moves toward becoming “needing,” bringing about decreased delight, and physiological reliance that requires expanded utilization (Reeve, 2015). Sustenance enslavement studies have demonstrated that while an assortment of nourishments lead to the arrival of dopamine, sugar enacts the dopaminergic pathway such that mirrors addictive substances, and prompts gorging, resistance, desires, reliance, and consequent withdrawal indications when denied (American Psychiatric Association, 2013b; Avena et al., 2008; Davis and Carter, 2014; Davis et al., 2013). As sugar is over-devoured, resistance develops and gorging with expanded measures of sugar are expected to acquire the equivalent pleasurable impact. This is proposed to be because of the down-guideline of dopamine receptors (Avena et al., 2008; Davis, Patte, Levitan, Reid, Tweed, and Curtis, 2007; Hoebel et al., 2009; Ifland et al., 2009, Loxton and Tipman, 2017). From that point, “needing” or yearnings are proposed to be because of the irregularity of hormone flag that outcomes in high expectation and high affectability to sugar when it is expended. In an examination led by Lindqvist, Baelemans, and Erlanson-Albertsson (2008), rodents that were given a sugar arrangement demonstrated a 40% expansion in ghrelin, the hormone that triggers craving; as opposed to a critical lessening in leptin and peptide YY, two appetite stifling hormones; and a noteworthy down-guideline in mRNA articulation of extra hunger-smothering peptides. This awkwardness of hunger hormones and quality articulation were speculated to have brought about gorging and resistance, as exhibited by a multiplying of the beverage utilization contrasted with control-bunch rodents given water. In conclusion, creature thinks about on sugar dependence have demonstrated that sugar withdrawal imitates narcotic withdrawal, and presents with sadness and uneasiness when hardship of sugar happens (Avena et al., 2008; Avena, Rada, and Hoebel, 2008; Hoebel et al., 2009; Hone-Blanchet and Fecteau, 2014; Ifland et al., 2009). The various examinations in sugar dependence that cover with the various phases of substance use issue give solid organic help to sugar dependence on be delegated a substance use issue. Further adding to the organic vulnerability of sugar dependence, Davis et al. (2013) found upgraded dopamine transmission was because of six hereditary transformations connected to the dopamine compensate pathway; and that relationship between expanded dopamine flagging and multilocus hereditary profile scores was altogether higher in members with high remunerate affectability and high chance for nourishment habit. These neurological changes and hereditary vulnerabilities bolster resilience and reliance that may result from a continuous flooding of dopamine and a decrease of receptors as found in substance use issue. Similarly, mental qualities like impulsivity and poor enthusiastic guideline, have been found in both substance use issue and sugar dependence. Impulsivity, as it identifies with quick satisfaction an Health Care Literacy Presentation d shortfalls in social restraint, was emphatically corresponded with sugar compulsion. In any case, sensation-chasing, as an indiscreet character attribute, was contrarily connected with sugar fixation, and conjectured to be because of the absence of excitement and incitement from eating nourishment; “the individuals who are hazard chasing and compensate driven may search out encounters including more prominent degrees of excitement and incitement (Pivarunas and Connor, 2015; VanderBroek-Stice, Stojek, Beach, vanDellen, and MacKillop, 2017). Poor enthusiastic guideline and low trouble resilience were likewise decidedly connected with sugar enslavement, and the utilization of sugar was conjectured to enact the joy focus countering the negative passionate state and further fortifying the reward of sugar consumption conduct (Kozak and Fought, 2011; Pivarunas and Connor, 2015). Similarly significant in the examination between sugar compulsion and substance use issue are the negative impacts on the cerebrum and body’s capacities, for example, intellectual debilitation and metabolic issue. Reversible psychological disabilities in basic leadership, inspiration, spatial or place-acknowledgment memory were as of late distinguished in concentrates with rodents (Tran and Westbrook, 2017; Wong, Dogra, and Reichelt, 2017). In any case, in an investigation led by Page and Melrose (2016), large amounts of flowing sugar and insulin levels dulled sustenance signs, diminishing hypothalamic action, and adversely influencing neural nourishment preparing, which after some time expanded the hazard for insulin obstruction, type 2 diabetes, and weight. A different report found that the overconsumption of sugar expanded degrees of free uns Health Care Literacy Presentation aturated fats, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood (Lindqvist, Baelemans, and Erlanson-Albertsson, 2008), which are affirmed hazard factors for creating in coronary illness and strokes in people (National Institute of Health, 2005; American Heart Association, 2017). The connection between sugar enslavement’s hindering impacts and long haul sickness are obvious in the writing, and is practically equivalent to the connection between substance use and ailment. Current treatment choices for sustenance or sugar fixation are restricted to work out, which tends to natural pathways; and care, which stresses mental procedures. Exercise fills in as a defensive treatment against metabolic issue and sustenance enslavement by means of increments in cerebrum determined neurotropic factor (BDNF), a synapse that assumes a noteworthy job in neuroplasticity, and in the guideline of nourishment consumption, physical movement, and glucose digestion (Codella, Terruzzi, and Luzi, 2017). Though, care tends to the double procedure model of wellbeing conduct, which expresses that there are intelligent programmed (verifiable) and controlled (unequivocal) mental procedures that outcome in addictive conduct. Understood, programmed procedures incorporate expectations, approach and shirking inclinations, and feelings, then unequivocal, controlled procedures incorporate intelligent activity (Hagger, Trost, Keech, Chan, and Hamilton, 2017; Tang, Posner, Rothbart, and Volkow, 2015). In 2017, Kakoschke, Kemps, and Tiggemann demonstrated that a two dimensional methodology alteration convention effe Health Care Literacy Presentation ctively retrained members to maintain a strategic distance from unfortunate nourishment by 1) decreasing the methodology inclination toward undesirable sustenance, and 2) expanding the methodology predisposition toward sound nourishment. Another investigation demonstrated a high approach inclination for sound sustenance cradled against the worry of yearning and needing for undesirable nourishment (Cheval, Audrin, Sarrazin, and Pelletier, 2017). Care was likewise found to control enthusiastic reactivity to inside Health Care Literacy Presentation and outside signs (Fisher, Mead, Lattimore, Malinowski, 2017). Lamentably, accessible treatment alternatives have low generalizable, replicable accomplishment as they bomb t>

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