We can work on Guns and Violence

Analyze a recent mass shooting which occurred in the US. Research and explain what transpired in detail and the aftermath. Research how the guns were obtained, if there were red flags before the mass shooting, the media coverage surrounding it, and the politics involved (NRA, law enforcement, and legislators).
Examine and compare, using the information acquired throughout this semester, what changes or enhancements (if any) can be made to prevent or make it more difficult for it to reoccur while maintaining the 2nd amendment right to bear arms. What can and should we do to keep safe? Explain what measures can be taken and the most appropriate/effective way to carry them out. Elaborate your thoughts objectively and clearly. Use facts and statistical data to justify your argument.

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[21]. But there is no guarantee that the images and identities are safe. The data can be misused and when the data is shared, the individual’s privacy is gone. The misuse of the technology is one ethical aspect that needs to be concerned. The technology may gain unintended purposes. There have been numerous incidents in which video cameras were focused on inappropriate areas, for example on bedroom windows. Once it is determined that an individual’s face does not match with the database, the facial signature is supposed to be deleted. But there is no evidence that the identities are deleted. They can also be stockpiled, so they can be used in the future and can be shared among for instance other governmental agencies [21]. iii. Problem of error The last ethical aspect to consider is the problem of error, which is the fact that incorrect matches can be made with face recognition technologies. This can lead to accusing innocent citizens. This is not always the fault of the technologies, but can occur in any database system with personal data. It would be acceptable to use facial recognition if a good ratio can be attained between false and true positive results. Provided that the individuals who are rated as a false positive are treated well and they are not questioned in an improper way. People have accepted that they sometimes have to endure minor inconveniences to be able to detect criminals. But in case there are too many false positives for each true positive, the harm done to innocent people is more important than detecting or arresting a criminal [5]. The systems should be tested on their performance before they are used. With the information this provides, improvements can be made to the systems in order to reduce the rate of false positives [4]. The challenge is how to trade-off between privacy and the security of facial recognition systems. One cannot prevaricate the loss of privacy by using facial recognition in everyday li>

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