What were the goals and competing visions for Reconstruction? What did freedom mean to former slaves?
- What were the social and political effects of Radical Reconstruction in the South? Discuss the origins of Civil Rights. Discuss the impact of Reconstruction on Womanhood in the United States.
- How did Black families, churches, schools, and other institutions contribute to the development of African American culture and political activism in this period?
- By what methods did southern whites seek to limit African-American civil rights and liberties? Discuss the results of the Compromise of 1877.
- Discuss Populism and the rise of the Populists Movement. Discuss the New South: who were the Redeemers, and how did they change society and politics in the New South?
- Discuss the term âGilded Age,â and discuss life in America during this period. Discuss the rise of Big Businesses and key barons.
- Discuss Westward Expansion. How was the west transformed socially and economically during this period? How did it affect Indigenous people and their lands?
Sample Answer
Let’s delve into the complex and transformative period of American history you’ve outlined:
1. Reconstruction Goals and Visions; Freedom for Former Slaves:
- Goals and Competing Visions:
- Presidential Reconstruction (Lincoln/Johnson): Focused on rapid reintegration of the South, with leniency towards former Confederates. Johnson’s vision was primarily about restoring states’ rights, with less emphasis on protecting freedmen’s rights.
- Radical Reconstruction (Congressional): Sought to fundamentally transform Southern society, ensuring civil rights for freedmen, punishing Confederate leaders, and establishing Republican Party dominance in the South.
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- Southern Democrats (Former Confederates): Aimed to restore pre-war social hierarchies, limit black rights, and regain political control.
- Freedom for Former Slaves:
- Land Ownership: A central desire; “forty acres and a mule” symbolized economic independence.
- Citizenship Rights: Voting, holding office, and equal protection under the law.
- Education: Access to education was seen as crucial for advancement and self-determination.
- Family Reunification: Many sought to reunite families separated during slavery.
- Autonomy: Freedom from white control, including the ability to travel, work, and worship as they chose.
2. Radical Reconstruction’s Effects:
- Social Effects:
- Temporary expansion of black political participation.
- Establishment of public school systems in the South.
- Social tensions and violence, including the rise of the Ku Klux Klan.
- Political Effects:
- Temporary Republican control of Southern state governments.
- Passage of the 14th and 15th Amendments, guaranteeing citizenship and voting rights.
- Civil Rights Origins: The civil rights act of 1866, and the 14th amendment, are foundational elements of the origins of civil rights law in the U.S.
- Impact on Womanhood:
- The suffrage movement was divided over whether to prioritize black male suffrage or universal suffrage.
- Women played vital roles in education and social reform during Reconstruction.
- Many women abolitionists, had hoped that with the ending of slavery, that new civil rights laws would include women. The 14th and 15th amendments, that specifically mentioned “male” caused great anger within woman’s suffragist circles.
3. Black Institutions and Culture:
- Families: Rebuilding families disrupted by slavery was a priority.
- Churches: Became centers of community life, providing spiritual guidance, social support, and political organization.
- Schools: Freedmen eagerly sought education, establishing schools and colleges.
- Other Institutions: Mutual aid societies and political organizations emerged to support and advocate for African Americans.
- These institutions contributed to a vibrant African American culture, fostering self-reliance, leadership, and political activism.
4. Southern White Resistance and the Compromise of 1877:
- Methods to Limit Black Rights:
- Black codes.
- Violence and intimidation (KKK).
- Disenfranchisement tactics (poll taxes, literacy tests).
- Compromise of 1877:
- A political agreement that ended Reconstruction.
- Federal troops were withdrawn from the South.
- Democrats gained control of Southern state governments.
- Effectively ended federal efforts to protect black civil rights.
5. Populism and the New South:
- Populism:
- A political movement that arose among farmers and working-class people.
- Sought to challenge the power of big business and financial institutions.
- Advocated for reforms such as government regulation of railroads, a graduated income tax, and free coinage of silver.
- The New South and Redeemers:
- “Redeemers” were Southern Democrats who regained political power after Reconstruction.
- They aimed to restore white supremacy and promote industrial development.
- Their policies often benefited wealthy landowners and industrialists, while harming poor farmers and African Americans.
- They implemented policies designed to limit black voting rights, and enforce segregation.
6. The Gilded Age:
- “Gilded Age” Term: A period of rapid economic growth and industrialization, but also marked by corruption, inequality, and social problems.
- Life in America:
- Rapid urbanization and industrialization.
- Growing wealth disparity between the rich and the poor.
- Immigration and social reform movements.
- Rise of Big Business and Barons:
- Industrial giants like John D. Rockefeller (oil), Andrew Carnegie (steel), and J.P. Morgan (finance) dominated the economy.
- They accumulated vast fortunes, but also faced criticism for their business practices.
7. Westward Expansion:
- Social and Economic Transformation:
- Railroad expansion connected the East and West.
- Mining, ranching, and farming transformed the Western landscape.
- Growth of towns and cities.
- Impact on Indigenous People:
- Forced removal from ancestral lands.
- Destruction of traditional ways of life.
- Conflicts and wars with the U.S. government.
- The reservation system.
- The Dawes act, and policies aimed at cultural assimilation.
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