Generating Evidence: Writing a Research Proposal

Generating Evidence: Writing a Research Proposal



In this course we will study the topic “Generating an Evidence.” As a practice, you are asked to write a research proposalthat may lead you to produce new evidence. The proposal should convince the reviewers that you have an important research idea to study, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature, and that your methodology is sound. Please note that this assignment focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas. Remember that the quality of your proposal depends not only on the significance of your proposed idea, but also on the quality of your proposal scientific writing. A research proposal could be rejected simply because it is poorly written.



Write amaximum of 1500 words(not including references or appendices), double-lined proposal addressing a relevant medical research topic of your choice.
Each student must submit his/herindividual proposal.
Examples of topicsyou can research include:diabetes, ischemic heart disease, depressive disorders, congenital anomalies of the heart, drug use, skin disorders, chronic kidney disease, cancer, foodborne illnesses,alternative medicinepractices, antibiotics over-prescription, eating disorders,gene therapy, radiation exposure, skin cancer, breast cancer, Vitamin D deficiency, andsleeping disorders.Choose one of the above topics.

The work you submit must include the following sections:

Abstract: It is a brief summary of the proposal with amaximum of 300 words. The abstract usually include the rationale for the study, the study objectives, and the brief description of the methods you intend to use to achieve study objectives. 

Title: It should be concise, descriptive and does not exceed one line.

Literature Review and Significance:Provide the necessary background information for your research topic.Summarize the most recent literature on the topic and mention the chief reasons for choosing the research topic. I suggest also that you write a sentence or two on the significance of this topic to the KSA. In this section, avoid being repetitive, cite influential papers, keep up with recent developments, critically evaluate cited papers, and avoidciting irrelevant or trivial references. Your research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal. State clearly your expected outcome(s).

Main objective(s):Write research main objectives. Best if you limit your objectives to 2 or 3; one main objectives and additional objectives. Present and discuss your thoughts clearly and support your arguments from the literature. What are the main differences among aims, goals, and objectives? Which one you prefer to use in the proposal? Why?

Methods Section:

Study design

Defining patient population
Instruments to be used (if any)
Sample size
Data management and analysis
Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Ethical Consideration Section


Budget (if any)

References:Cite all the references using APA style.

Appendix (if needed)

Your proposal must be an original work. Use references, but make sure to create the proposal entirely on your own.
Each student should work independently. You may get technical information from knowledgeable persons (e.g. a physician, faculty, etc.) as long as you do the thinking about that information and write the proposal yourself.
You must cite your sources in the body of your proposal wherever appropriate and you must include a list of references at the end of your proposal. Include any expert or online materials that you consulted with while preparing your proposal. Citeyour references properly to ensure that you are not plagiarizing.
Check your grammar and spelling, and proofread your work.
Use of the resources mentioned in class, or any other reliable Internet websites, peer-reviewed journals, etc. to aid you in the task.
Submit your proposalon Moodle before5:00 pm December 5th, 2018. Include your name, student ID number, and the class code (EBM 354).

Grading Rubric: 0-5 points for following instructions& including all sections

0-3 points for grammar and scientific writing

0-2 points for choice of the topic, and the quality of the work


A maximum of 10 points.


No late submissions will be accepted after the due date. A past-due assignment will be accepted with a prior permission.The penalty for handing in an assignment late is a deduction equal to 1 point per day (including off-day and holidays).



The post Generating Evidence: Writing a Research Proposal-write a research proposal that may lead you to produce new evidence appeared first on WMCE.



Generating Evidence

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