While the French Revolution is filled with notable figures like Robespierre, Danton, and Sieyes, the role of common people in the streets of Paris and in the provinces cannot be underestimated. What role do you feel these crowds or mobs played in the Revolution, and would it have been feasable without their demonstrations and violence? Lastly, why did these crowds take to the streets – did they want the same things as the Revolutionaries from the National Assembly?

Sample Answer
The role of the common people in the French Revolution was crucial. They were the driving force behind many of the major events of the Revolution, including the Storming of the Bastille, the Women’s March on Versailles, and the Reign of Terror.
The common people were motivated to take to the streets by a variety of factors, including economic hardship, political oppression, and a desire for social justice. They were also inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment, such as liberty, equality, and fraternity.
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