Pick one of the “eight general forecasts” related to cyber crime and/ or cyber terrorism and complete some additional research on that topic. Write a summary of the findings. What forecast, if it came to pass, would worry you the most on a personal and national level?

Sample Answer
Sure, I will pick the forecast “Cyberattacks will become more sophisticated and destructive” and do some additional research on that topic.
Summary of the findings
The forecast that cyberattacks will become more sophisticated and destructive is supported by a number of factors. First, the technology available to cybercriminals is constantly evolving. As hackers develop new tools and techniques, it becomes more difficult for organizations to defend themselves.
Second, the financial motivation for cyberattacks is increasing. Ransomware attacks, in particular, have become increasingly common and lucrative. In 2021, ransomware attacks resulted in losses of over $20 billion.
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