We can work on Followership and Leadership Assessment and Development Plan

Throughout your major program(s), you have developed knowledge and skills that relate to or contribute to your ability
to engage, encourage, and lead others and/or further the success of processes through the applicable knowledge, skills,
and expertise you have gained about them. Through collaboration activities, such as team or group activities, you have
furthered your knowledge and skills in followership and leadership. As you complete your major program(s), it is
important that you take stock of your strengths and areas for improvement in followership and leadership related to
your current or desired professional field and role, and develop a plan for continuous growth through cultivation of your
strengths and gaining the knowledge and skills necessary for growth in those areas requiring improvement. This project
is designed to help you accomplish this task in your capstone course.
Progressively, throughout Units 1 – 4, you will engage in the following research and assessment activities for which the
specific expectations are addressed later in the document:
 Unit 1 – Relationship between Followership and Leadership Styles and their Traits
 Unit 2 – Followership and Leadership Expectations in Your Major Degree Related Professional Field
 Unit 3 – Followership and Leadership Assessment
 Unit 4 – Followership and Leadership Development Plan
In Units 3 and 5, you will submit this assignment as follows:
 Unit 3 – at the end of week 3 (Unit 3), you will submit a draft of Units 1 and 2 for grading and feedback.
 Unit 5 – at the end of week 5 (Unit 5) you will submit your complete, final report for grading and feedback.

  1. Prepare this report in APA format that details your research and assessment findings and conclusions, and your
    development plan for each phase of this project. The sections (include the section titles in your paper according
    to APA format) required for this report are as follows:
    a) Title Page [unique title and not title of this assignment]
    b) Abstract
    c) Introduction
    d) Relationship between Followership and Leadership Styles and their Traits
    e) Followership and Leadership Expectations in [name of professional field]
    f) Followership and Leadership Assessment
    g) Followership and Leadership Development Plan
    h) Conclusion
    i) References
    APA format resource: Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) – APA Style Guide
    This APA style guide is the standard reference for Southwestern College Professional Studies and is an excellent resource
    to help guide you in the creation of your APA formatted Followership/Leadership mastery assignment.
    You will research scholarly and professional journal articles on followership and leadership topics in Deets Library, from
    Open Access Journals, your educational course materials (textbooks etc. ), and from professional associations written
    within the last ten years. For this research, news sources, general information Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar
    sources may not be used.
    Revision – July 2, 2019
    Our Deets Research Librarian, has made a permanent followership/leadership recording for Capstone – Research Process
    – Followership/Leadership1
    . Please review this for advice on conducting followership/leadership research.
    The minimum number of references overall for the complete assignment is: 18
    (your research that provides a minimum number of 12 references combined with 6 provided materials combines for a
    total of 18.)
    In Unit New research Provided
    Unit 1: minimum references (4 provided and 5 from research) 9 5 4
    Unit 2: minimum number from new research
    (different from unit 1 references) 5 5 0
    (and include at least 3 used in Unit 1 in addition to 5 new) 3
    Unit 3: minimum of 5 references from Units 1 and 2 (no new research) 5 0 2
    and cite the assessments as part of the minimum 2
    Unit 4: minimum of 2 references from new research 2 2 0
    Total 26 12 6
    Your reference page should include your sources gained from research and the sources provided (the four articles and
    the assessments).

Age of your references from research: they must be published within the last 10 years.

  1. Within each of sections d-g, each of the section objectives/instructions must be carefully addressed in this
    report. Be sure to carefully review the grading rubric below. Do note that this is a professional report, so use of
    writing voice and contractions, etc. should follow APA format.
    a. Units 1 and 2 should be written in third person.
    b. Units 3 and 4 can be written in first person according to APA since you will be presenting and analyzing
    your personal data.
  2. The minimum word length, excluding the title page, abstract, and references, is 2500 words. More than likely,
    you will exceed this minimum word length, given the scope and requirements of this project.
  3. Submit your report for grading and feedback at the end of Unit 3 and submit the final report for grading and
    feedback by Sunday of Unit 5.
    There are two submissions for this assignment. You will submit a draft of Units 1 and 2 at the end of week 3 (Unit 3).
    And, you will submit the complete assignment at the end of week 5 (Unit 5). So, it is critical that you follow the
    schedule outlined below for your success with this project.

1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqH7cGOwU6s&feature=youtu.be
Revision – July 2, 2019
Unit 1: Relationship between Followership and Leadership Styles and their Traits
Research the various traits and styles associated with leadership and followership and their relationship with each other.
To begin this research, read the following four articles for background information and include information gained from
these articles in this project.
 A Fresh Look at Followership: A Model for Matching Followership and Leadership Styles2
 Everyday Leadership3
 8 Common Leadership Styles4
 Four types of Leaders5
Research scholarly and professional journal articles on these topics in Deets Library, from Open Access Journals, your
course educational materials (textbooks etc.), and from professional associations written within the last ten years. For
this research, news sources, general information Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar sources may not be used. The
objectives are:

  1. Based on your research and its analysis, develop a comprehensive list of 1) followership styles and traits, and 2)
    leadership styles and traits, each with comprehensive descriptions in your own words synthesized from your
    findings with appropriate citations for the concepts, facts, and ideas revealed in the research.
  2. Based on your research and its analysis, describe the relationship between leadership and followership styles in
    your own words synthesized from your findings with appropriate citations for the concepts, facts, and ideas
    revealed in the research.
    Note: A minimum of five scholarly, educational, and professional journal articles published within the last ten years – in
    addition to the four articles provided above – should be cited in-text and included in references as applicable to each of
    these objectives.
    Unit 2: Followership and Leadership Expectations in Professional Field
    Building on your findings in Unit 1, conduct further research of scholarly and professional journal articles in Deets
    Library, from Open Access Journals, your course educational materials (textbooks etc.), and from professional
    associations written within the last ten years to identify the desirable 1) followership styles and traits, and 2) leadership
    styles and traits that are applicable to your current or desired professional field and role. For this research, news
    sources, general information Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar sources may not be used.
  3. Based on your research and its analysis, develop a comprehensive list of desirable 1) followership styles and
    traits, and 2) leadership styles and traits specific to your current or desired professional field and role.
  4. Explain why each of these styles and traits are of importance to your success in your current or desired
    professional field and role. This must be conveyed in your own words with appropriate citations for the
    concepts, facts, and ideas revealed in the research.

2 http://ezproxy.sckans.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=21501562&site=eds-live&scope=site
3 http://insights.ccl.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/EverydayLeadership.pdf
4 https://associationsnow.com/2013/01/management-style-whats-your-leadership-type/
5 https://trainingmag.com/four-types-leaders
Revision – July 2, 2019
Note: A minimum of five different scholarly, educational, and professional journal articles published within the last ten
years – should be cited in-text and included in references as applicable to each of these objectives.
Unit 3: Followership and Leadership Assessment
Download, save, and complete the Leadership and Followership Style Test for Capstone. Then, complete the eight
exercises of the Leadership Assessment Tool Inventory – Assess Your Skills6
In completing the assessments related to an
organization, consider the type of organization in which you might desire to work if you are not working in your desired
professional field and role currently. Given the research completed in Units 1 and 2, and your findings from these

  1. What are your followership strengths and areas for improvement specific to your current or desired professional
    field and role?
  2. What are your leadership strengths and areas for improvement specific to your current or desired professional
    field and role?
    Explain each finding, its relevance to the professional field, and why it is important. Cite research sources from Units 1
    and 2, and the assessments to support your analysis of the above expressed in your own words.
    To help you interpret the results, the Leadership and Followership Style Test has some interpretive information
    included. It is important that you recognize that you will need to go back to do some more research based on what you
    find from these assessments as well. For instance, finding out what the primary and secondary influence strategies you
    use will then require you to find out more about what they mean so that you can better describe your leadership
    Regarding scores for the Leadership Assessment Tool Inventory, we do not have the opportunity to obtain
    scores. However, the results do provide feedback on preferred influence strategies, quartile classifications, and a scoring
    key that enables you to assess the characteristics associated with each of the tools in the inventory. There is a wealth of
    information available if you use each of these parts of each tool to perform your self-assessment in addition to
    performing more research.
    Note: A minimum of five scholarly, educational, and professional journal articles published within the last ten years AND
    cited in Units 1 and 2 along with the two provided assessments should be cited in-text and included in references as
    applicable to each of these objectives.
  3. Submit your draft prepared according to Overall and Weekly instructions for Units 1 and 2 for grading and
    feedback at the end of week 3 (Unit 3).
    Unit 4: Followership and Leadership Development Plan
  4. Followership: Research the diverse methods through which you may cultivate your followership strengths and
    gain the knowledge and skills necessary for growth in those areas requiring improvement. Assess the viability of
    each of these methods for your continued growth as a follower. For this research, scholarly or professional
    journal articles, or professional and educational resources written or developed with in the last ten years are
    required. News sources, general information Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar sources may not be used.

6 http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/uzzi/htm/teaching-leadership.htm
Revision – July 2, 2019

  1. Leadership: Research the diverse methods through which you may cultivate your leadership strengths and gain
    the knowledge and skills necessary for growth in those areas requiring improvement. Assess the viability of
    each of these methods for your continued growth as a leader. For this research, scholarly or professional
    journal articles, or professional and educational resources written or developed with in the last ten years are
    required. News sources, general information Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar sources may not be used.
  2. Create a detailed five-year plan for the continuous development of
    a. Followership abilities.
    b. Leadership abilities
    For this five-year plan for these two sections, one for followership and one for leadership, include:
  3. Include a subsection that lists strengths and another subsection that includes areas for improvement
    for each section – followership and leadership.
  4. For each strength, the method(s) for continuously developing that strength must be identified.
  5. For each area for improvement, the method(s) for gaining the knowledge and skills for improvement
    must be identified.
  6. Where appropriate, a target date for completion should be included. However, as the focus is
    continuous development, many of these methods will not have such a date, given the continuous
    Be sure that what is included in this plan is realistic and one to which you can make a commitment.
    Note: A minimum of two different scholarly, educational, and professional journal articles published within the last ten
    years – should be cited in-text and included in references as applicable to each of these objectives.
    Unit 5: Formalize the Development Plan
  7. Incorporate feedback received from the Unit 3 grading and feedback in your final report.
  8. Prepare this report in APA format that details your research and assessment findings and conclusions, and your
    development plan for each phase of this project. The sections (include the section titles in your paper according
    to APA format) required for this report are as follows:
    a) Title Page [unique title and not title of this assignment – do reference your major in the title, however]
    b) Abstract
    c) Introduction
    d) Relationship between Followership and Leadership Styles and their Traits
    e) Followership and Leadership Expectations in [name of professional field]
    f) Followership and Leadership Assessment
    g) Followership and Leadership Development Plan
    h) Conclusion
    i) References
    APA format resource: Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) – APA Style Guide
    This APA style guide is the standard reference for Southwestern College Professional Studies and is an excellent resource
    to help guide you in the creation of your APA formatted Followership/Leadership mastery assignment.
    You will research scholarly and professional journal articles on followership and leadership topics in Deets Library, from
    Open Access Journals, your educational course materials (textbooks etc. ), and from professional associations written
    Revision – July 2, 2019
    within the last ten years. For this research, news sources, general information Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar
    sources may not be used.
    The minimum number of references overall for the complete assignment is: 18
    (your research that provides a minimum number of 12 references combined with 6 provided materials combines for a
    total of 18.)
    In Unit New research Provided
    Unit 1: minimum references (4 provided and 5 from research) 9 5 4
    Unit 2: minimum number from new research
    (different from unit 1 references) 5 5 0
    (and include at least 3 used in Unit 1 in addition to 5 new) 3
    Unit 3: minimum of 5 references from Units 1 and 2 (no new research) 5 0 2
    and cite the assessments as part of the minimum 2
    Unit 4: minimum of 2 references from new research 2 2 0
    Total 26 12 6
    Your reference page should include your sources gained from research and the sources provided (the four articles and
    the assessments).

Age of your references from research: they must be published within the last 10 years.

  1. Within each of sections d-g, each of the section objectives/instructions must be carefully addressed in this
    report. Be sure to carefully review the grading rubric below. Do note that this is a professional report, so use of
    writing voice and contractions, etc. should follow APA format.
    a. Units 1 and 2 should be written in third person.
    b. Units 3 and 4 can be written in first person according to APA since you will be presenting and analyzing
    your personal data.
  2. The minimum word length, excluding the title page, abstract, and references, is 2500 words. More than likely,
    you will exceed this minimum word length, given the scope and requirements of this project.
  3. Submit your report for grading and feedback by Sunday of Unit 5.
    Revision – July 2, 2019
    Throughout your major program(s), you have developed knowledge and skills that relate to or contribute to your ability to engage, encourage, and lead others
    and/or further the success of processes through the applicable knowledge, skills, and expertise you have gained about them. Through collaboration activities, such
    as team or group activities, you have furthered your knowledge and skills in followership and leadership. As you complete your major program(s), it is important
    that you take stock of your strengths and areas for improvement in followership and leadership related to your current or desired professional field and role, and
    develop a plan for continuous growth through cultivation of your strengths and gaining the knowledge and skills necessary for growth in those areas requiring
    improvement. This project is designed to help you accomplish this task in your capstone course.
    Progressively, throughout Units 1 – 4, you will engage in the following research and assessment activities for which the specific expectations are addressed later in
    the document:
     Unit 1 – Relationship between Followership and Leadership Styles and their Traits
     Unit 2 – Followership and Leadership Expectations in Professional Field
     Unit 3 – Followership and Leadership Assessment
     Unit 4 – Followership and Leadership Development Plan
    In Units 3 and 5, you will submit this assignment as follows:
     Unit 3 – at the end of week 3 (Unit 3), you will submit a draft of Units 1 and 2 for grading and feedback.
     Unit 5 – at the end of week 5 (Unit 5) you will submit your complete, final report for grading and feedback.
    You will research scholarly and professional journal articles on followership and leadership topics in Deets Library, from Open Access Journals, your educational
    course materials (textbooks etc. ), and from professional associations written within the last ten years. For this research, news sources, general information
    Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar sources may not be used.
  4. Prepare this report in APA format that details your research and assessment findings and conclusions, and your development plan for each phase of this
    project. The sections (include the section titles in your paper according to APA format) required for this report are as follows:
    j) Title Page [unique title and not title of this assignment]
    k) Abstract
    l) Introduction
    m) Relationship between Followership and Leadership Styles and their Traits
    n) Followership and Leadership Expectations in [name of professional field]
    o) Followership and Leadership Assessment
    p) Followership and Leadership Development Plan
    q) Conclusion
    r) References
    The minimum number of references overall for the complete assignment is: 18
    (your research that provides a minimum number of 12 references combined with 6 provided materials combines for a total of 18.)
    Your reference page should include your sources gained from research and the sources provided (the four articles and the assessments).

Age of your references from research: they must be published within the last 10 years.

  1. Within each of sections d-g, each of the section objectives/instructions must be carefully addressed in this report. Do note that this is a professional
    report, so use of writing voice and contractions, etc. should follow APA format.
    a. Units 1 and 2 should be written in third person.
    b. Units 3 and 4 can be written in first person according to APA since you will be presenting and analyzing your personal data.
  2. The minimum word length, excluding the title page, abstract, and references, is 2500 words. More than likely, you will exceed this minimum word
    length, given the scope and requirements of this project.
  3. Submit your report for grading and feedback at the end of Unit 3 and submit the final report for grading and feedback by Sunday of Unit 5.
    Revision – July 2, 2019
    Below Average
    50 Points Possible 45 – 50 points 40 – 44 points 35 – 39 points 30 – 34 points 0 points
    Relationship between
    Followership and
    Leadership Styles and
    their Traits
    Research the various traits and styles associated with leadership and followership and their relationship with each other. To begin this
    research, read the following four articles for background information and include information gained in this project.
     A Fresh Look at Followership: A Model for Matching Followership and Leadership Styles7
     Everyday Leadership8
     8 Common Leadership Styles9
     Four types of Leaders10
    Research scholarly and professional journal articles on these topics in Deets Library, from Open Access Journals, your course educational
    materials, and from professional associations written within the last ten years. For this research, news sources, general information
    Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar sources may not be used. The objectives are:
  4. Based on your research and its analysis, develop a comprehensive list of 1) followership styles and traits, and 2) leadership
    styles and traits, each with comprehensive descriptions in your own words synthesized from your findings with appropriate
    citations for the concepts, facts, and ideas revealed in the research.
  5. Based on your research and its analysis, describe the relationship between leadership and followership styles in your own
    words synthesized from your findings with appropriate citations for the concepts, facts, and ideas revealed in the research.
    Note: A minimum of five scholarly, educational, and professional journal articles published within the last ten years – in addition to the
    four articles provided above – should be cited in-text and included in references as applicable to each of these objectives.
    Section demonstrates
    conceptual understanding,
    presents arguments,
    defends rationale, and
    synthesizes multiple expert
    findings and/or
    perspectives for each of the
    two objectives with
    exceptional support from
    the requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the last
    ten years.
    Section demonstrates
    conceptual understanding,
    presents arguments,
    defends rationale, and
    synthesizes multiple
    expert findings and/or
    perspectives for each of
    the two objectives with
    strong support from the
    requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the last
    ten years.
    Section demonstrates
    understanding, presents
    arguments, defends
    rationale, and synthesizes
    multiple expert findings
    and/or perspectives for
    each of the two
    objectives with adequate
    support from the
    requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the
    last ten years.
    Section may not meet
    word count minimum or
    may demonstrate partial
    understanding, absence
    or minimal synthesis of
    expert findings and/or
    perspective, or
    presentation of
    arguments and defense
    of rationale have
    inadequate support from
    professional, educational,
    and/or scholarly sources.
    Demonstrates little effort
    or understanding of

7 http://ezproxy.sckans.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=21501562&site=eds-live&scope=site
8 http://insights.ccl.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/EverydayLeadership.pdf
9 https://associationsnow.com/2013/01/management-style-whats-your-leadership-type/
10 https://trainingmag.com/four-types-leaders
Revision – July 2, 2019
Below Average
50 Points Possible 45 – 50 points 40 – 44 points 35 – 39 points 30 – 34 points 0 points
Followership and
Leadership Expectations
in Professional Field
Building on your findings in Unit 1, conduct further research of scholarly and professional journal articles in Deets Library, from Open
Access Journals, your course educational materials (textbooks etc. ) and from professional associations written within the last ten years
to identify the desirable 1) followership styles and traits, and 2) leadership styles and traits that are applicable to your current or desired
professional field and role. For this research, news sources, general information Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar sources may
not be used.

  1. Based on your research and its analysis, develop a comprehensive list of desirable 1) followership styles and traits, and 2)
    leadership styles and traits specific to your current or desired professional field and role.
  2. Explain why each of these styles and traits are of importance to your success in your current or desired professional field and
    role. This must be conveyed in your own words with appropriate citations for the concepts, facts, and ideas revealed in the
    Note: A minimum of five different scholarly, educational, and professional journal articles published within the last ten years – should be
    cited in-text and included in references as applicable to each of these objectives.
    Section demonstrates
    conceptual understanding,
    presents arguments,
    defends rationale, and
    synthesizes multiple expert
    findings and/or
    perspectives for each of the
    two objectives with
    exceptional support from
    the requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the last
    ten years and incorporates
    a real world application.
    Section demonstrates
    conceptual understanding,
    presents arguments,
    defends rationale, and
    synthesizes multiple
    expert findings and/or
    perspectives for each of
    the two objectives with
    strong support from the
    requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the last
    ten years.
    Section demonstrates
    understanding, presents
    arguments, defends
    rationale, and synthesizes
    multiple expert findings
    and/or perspectives for
    each of the two
    objectives with adequate
    support from the
    requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the
    last ten years.
    Section may not meet
    word count minimum or
    may demonstrate partial
    understanding, absence
    or minimal synthesis of
    expert findings and/or
    perspective, or
    presentation of
    arguments and defense
    of rationale have
    inadequate support from
    professional, educational,
    and/or scholarly sources.
    Demonstrates little effort
    or understanding of
    Revision – July 2, 2019
    Below Average
    50 Points Possible 45 – 50 points 40 – 44 points 35 – 39 points 30 – 34 points 0 points
    Followership and
    Leadership Assessment
    Download, save, and complete the Leadership and Followership Style Test for Capstone. Then, complete the eight exercises of the
    Leadership Assessment Tool Inventory – Assess Your Skills11
    In completing the assessments related to an organization, consider the type
    of organization in which you might desire to work if you are not working in your desired professional field and role currently. Given the
    research completed in Units 1 and 2, and your findings from these assessments:
  3. What are your followership strengths and areas for improvement specific to your current or desired professional field and
  4. What are your leadership strengths and areas for improvement specific to your current or desired professional field and role?
    Explain each finding, its relevance to the professional field, and why it is important. Cite research sources from Units 1 and 2, and the
    assessments to support your analysis of the above expressed in your own words.
    Note: A minimum of five scholarly, educational, and professional journal articles published within the last ten years AND cited in Units 1
    and 2 along with the two provided assessments should be cited in-text and included in references as applicable to each of these
    Section demonstrates
    conceptual understanding,
    presents arguments,
    defends rationale, and
    synthesizes multiple expert
    findings and/or
    perspectives for each of the
    two objectives with
    exceptional support from
    the requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the last
    ten years and incorporates
    a real world application.
    Section demonstrates
    conceptual understanding,
    presents arguments,
    defends rationale, and
    synthesizes multiple
    expert findings and/or
    perspectives for each of
    the two objectives with
    strong support from the
    requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the last
    ten years.
    Section demonstrates
    understanding, presents
    arguments, defends
    rationale, and synthesizes
    multiple expert findings
    and/or perspectives for
    each of the two
    objectives with adequate
    support from the
    requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the
    last ten years.
    Section may not meet
    word count minimum or
    may demonstrate partial
    understanding, absence
    or minimal synthesis of
    expert findings and/or
    perspective, or
    presentation of
    arguments and defense
    of rationale have
    inadequate support from
    professional, educational
    and/or scholarly sources.
    Demonstrates little effort
    or understanding of

11 http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/uzzi/htm/teaching-leadership.htm
Revision – July 2, 2019
Below Average
50 Points Possible 45 – 50 points 40 – 44 points 35 – 39 points 30 – 34 points 0 points
Followership and
Leadership Development

  1. Followership: Research the diverse methods through which you may cultivate your followership strengths and gain the
    knowledge and skills necessary for growth in those areas requiring improvement. Assess the viability of each of these
    methods for your continued growth as a follower. For this research, scholarly or professional journal articles, or professional
    and educational resources written or developed with in the last ten years are required. News sources, general information
    Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar sources may not be used.
  2. Leadership: Research the diverse methods through which you may cultivate your leadership strengths and gain the knowledge
    and skills necessary for growth in those areas requiring improvement. Assess the viability of each of these methods for your
    continued growth as a leader. For this research, scholarly or professional journal articles, or professional and educational
    resources written or developed with in the last ten years are required. News sources, general information Websites,
    encyclopedias, or other similar sources may not be used.
  3. Create a detailed five-year plan for the continuous development of
    a. Followership abilities.
    b. Leadership abilities
    For this five-year plan for these two sections, one for followership and one for leadership, include:
  4. Include a subsection that lists strengths and another subsection that includes areas for improvement for each
    section – followership and leadership.
  5. For each strength, the method(s) for continuously developing that strength must be identified.
  6. For each area for improvement, the method(s) for gaining the knowledge and skills for improvement must be
  7. Where appropriate, a target date for completion should be included. However, as the focus is continuous
    development, many of these methods will not have such a date, given the continuous process.
    Be sure that what is included in this plan is realistic and one to which you can make a commitment.
    Note: A minimum of two different scholarly, educational, and professional journal articles published within the last ten years – should be
    cited in-text and included in references as applicable to each of these objectives.
    Section demonstrates
    conceptual understanding,
    presents arguments,
    defends rationale, and
    synthesizes multiple expert
    findings and/or
    perspectives for each of the
    three objectives with
    exceptional support from
    the requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the last
    ten years and incorporates
    a real world application.
    Section demonstrates
    conceptual understanding,
    presents arguments,
    defends rationale, and
    synthesizes multiple
    expert findings and/or
    perspectives for each of
    the three objectives with
    strong support from the
    requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the last
    ten years.
    Section demonstrates
    understanding, presents
    arguments, defends
    rationale, and synthesizes
    multiple expert findings
    and/or perspectives for
    each of the three
    objectives with adequate
    support from the
    requisite professional,
    educational, or scholarly
    sources written in the
    last ten years.
    Section may not meet
    word count minimum or
    may demonstrate partial
    understanding, absence
    or minimal synthesis of
    expert findings and/or
    perspective, or
    presentation of
    arguments and defense
    of rationale have
    inadequate support from
    professional, educational,
    and/or scholarly sources.
    Demonstrates little effort
    or understanding of
    40 Points Possible 36 – 40 points 32 – 35 points 28 – 31 points 24 – 27 points 0 points
    Paper has a clear and
    specific thesis, focuses on
    relevant and specific ideas
    using smooth and logical
    transitions, flawless
    grammar, and correct
    spelling. Units 1 and 2 are
    written in third person and
    Units 3 and 4 are written in
    first person
    Paper has a clear and
    specific thesis, focuses on
    relevant and specific ideas
    using smooth and logical
    transitions, with only a few
    minor grammatical or
    spelling errors. Units 1 and
    2 are written in third
    person and Units 3 and 4
    are written in first person
    Paper has a clear and
    specific thesis, focuses on
    relevant and specific
    ideas but may lack
    consistent organization
    and have distracting
    writing traits, noticeable
    grammatical errors and
    incorrect spelling. Units 1
    and 2 are written in third
    person and Units 3 and 4
    are written in first person
    Paper does not focus on
    a single idea, falls short
    of expected SCPS writing
    competencies, ideas are
    masked by a saturation
    of grammatical errors or
    incorrect spelling.
    Paper lacks a unifying
    claim or idea, shows little
    effort, or is incomplete.
    Revision – July 2, 2019
    Below Average
    40 Points Possible 36 – 40 points 32 – 35 points 28 – 31 points 24 – 27 points 0 points
    Paper is formatted correctly
    according to APA standards
    using a title page, abstract,
    in-text citations,
    introduction, major section
    headings for each
    assignment objective,
    conclusion, and a reference
    Paper has only a few minor
    APA formatting errors and
    provides a title page,
    abstract, in-text citations,
    introduction, major
    section headings for each
    assignment objective,
    conclusion, and a
    reference page.
    Paper has several APA
    formatting errors but
    provides a title page, intext citations, abstract,
    introduction, major
    section headings for each
    assignment objective,
    conclusion, and a
    reference page.
    Paper is saturated with
    APA formatting errors
    and may not provide a
    title page, abstract, intext citations,
    introduction, major
    section headings for each
    assignment objective,
    conclusion, or a
    reference page.
    Paper is not in APA format
    and/or fails to cite
    Total Points = Written Assignment Score __
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