· What have we learned in this course regarding flood myths of the ancient river valley civilizations? (3-5 sentences )
· How were the stories of Noah and Gilgamesh that we read similar and what differences do you see? (3-5 sentences )
· What do you think these ancient were trying to communicate to subsequent generations through their flood myth stories? (3-5 sentences )

Sample Answer
- What have we learned in this course regarding flood myths of the ancient river valley civilizations?
We have learned that flood myths are a common theme in many ancient cultures, including the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks. These myths often tell the story of a great flood that destroys the world, but a few people are saved by a god or hero who builds a boat or ark. The survivors then repopulate the earth.
The flood myths may be based on real events, such as a natural disaster like a flood or a tsunami. However, they may also be symbolic stories that represent the chaos and destruction of the natural world. The flood myths may also be a way for ancient cultures to explain the origin of their own people and culture.
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