We can work on Finite hypothesis

  1. (0.5 points) Give an example of a finite hypothesis class H with VCdim(H) = 2021.
    Justify your choice.
  2. (0.5 points) Consider Hballs to be the set of all balls in R2
    Hballs = {B(x,r), x ∈ ℝ2
    , r ≥ 0 }, where B(x,r) = {y ∈ ℝ2
    “http://superioressaywriters.com/”http://superioressaywriters.com/” y – x “http://superioressaywriters.com/”2 ≤ r}
    As mentioned in the lecture, we can also view Hballs as the set of indicator functions of
    the balls B(x,r) in the plane: Hballs ={ ℎ!.!: ℝ! → 0,1 , ℎ!.! = �!(!,!), � ∈ ℝ!, � > 0}.
    Can you give an example of a set A in R2 of size 4 that is shattered by Hballs? Give
    such an example or justify why you cannot find a set A of size 4 shattered by Hballs.
  3. (1 point) Let X = R2 and consider Hα the set of concepts defined by the area inside a
    right triangle ABC with the two catheti AB and AC parallel to the axes (Ox and Oy)
    and with AB/AC = α (fixed constant > 0). Consider the realizability assumption. Show
    that the class Hα can be (�, �) − PAC learned by giving an algorithm A and
    determining an upper bound on the sample complexity mH( �, �) such that the
    definition of PAC-learnability is satisfied.
  4. (1 point) Consider H to be the class of all centered in origin sphere classifiers in the
    3D space. A centered in origin sphere classifier in the 3D space is a classifier hr that
    assigns the value 1 to a point if and only if it is inside the sphere with radius r > 0 and
    center given by the origin O(0,0,0). Consider the realizability assumption.
    a. show that the class H can be (�, �) − PAC learned by giving an algorithm A and
    determining an upper bound on the sample complexity mH(�, �) such that the
    definition of PAC-learnability is satisfied. (0.5 points)
    b. compute VCdim(H). (0.5 points)
  5. (1 point) Let H = {ℎ!: ℝ → 0,1 , ℎ! � = � !,!!! ∪[!!!,!!) � , � ∈ ℝ}. Compute
  6. (1 point) Let X be an instance space and consider H ⊆ {0,1}! a hypothesis space with
    finite VC dimension. For each � ∈ X, we consider the function zx: H →{0,1} such
    that zx(h) = h(x) for each ℎ ∈ H. Let Z = {zx: H →{0,1}, � ∈ X}. Prove that
    VCdim(Z) < 2VCdim(H)+1.

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because everybody is entitled to their say, decisions within the business are often slow and as such key gaps in the market may be missed due to lack of obvious leadership. 3.3 Opportunities John Lewis is now in a position to ascertain its goods at a much cheaper price as suppliers are desperate to sell due to the credit crunch but only a limited number of companies wish to purchase. The company could use this to its advantage by purchasing the goods now, holding them in storage and then sell them at a higher price when the market picks up. Government legislation also opened up opportunities for John Lewis by offering a VAT break of 2.5%, hence consumers thought they were getting a better deal while John Lewis managed to maintain and increase their profits. John Lewis also has large opportunities for expansion into other markets, for example personal finance. The John Lewis credit card is all ready proving popular with its customers, and offering a 19.9% return to the company in charges on those who don’t pay their bills at the end of the month. Just like companies such as Tesco and Asda though, the business could look at factors such as insurance for example, all of which could be sold under the John Lewis name be it a branch of the company (such as Waitrose) or even sold in store as an add on to certain products (for example customers buying new televisions may be interested in home content cover.)>

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