Choose ONE of the following ethical theories and briefly discuss how it would look at the morality of euthanasia. Would it support or prohibit euthanasia? And explain why. You do NOT need to find a case on euthanasia to justify the position of the theory you selected, just explain why it supports or prohibits euthanasia.
Natural Law
Natural Rights

Sample Answer
I can discuss how the ethical theory of Natural Law would look at the morality of euthanasia.
Natural Law is a philosophical theory that argues that there are certain moral principles that are inherent in the nature of things. These principles are not created by humans, but are discovered by reason.
One of the most important principles of Natural Law is the principle of human dignity. This principle holds that all human beings have inherent worth and value, simply by virtue of being human. This means that human beings should not be treated as mere objects or means to an end.
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