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Essay Assignment: Primary And Secondary Source Analysis

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

In this primary and secondary source analysis, you are asked to summarize, synthesize, and above all analyze ONE weekly secondary source readings in conversation with one of the weekly primary source readings. In this short paper, you should (1) unpack the arguments and methodologies of the scholar alongside the claims and evidence of the primary source,
(2) identify and explore which theme(s) that link the two readings you are writing on, and (3) conclude with your own reflections.

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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

In this primary and secondary source analysis, you are asked to summarize, synthesize, and above all analyze ONE weekly secondary source readings in conversation with one of the weekly primary source readings. In this short paper, you should (1) unpack the arguments and methodologies of the scholar alongside the claims and evidence of the primary source,
(2) identify and explore which theme(s) that link the two readings you are writing on, and (3) conclude with your own reflections.

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