Review the following list of case studies involving companies’ decision making (source information hyperlinked).
Use case studies as the subject of your paper:
Equifax security breach (2017)
Conduct more research about the company and about the issues presented for your paper.
When you have selected your company case study, research and cover the points listed in the Assignment instructions below in a well developed PowerPoint presentation. These instructions provide guidance about how to organize the slides and how many slides (minimum) for the required content. Follow APA 7th ed as explained in the above tutorial. Also review the Grading Rubric. Details matter.
INSTRUCTIONS: *Also see Grading Rubric
Your PPT â note this 12 slide outline is a minimum; you might have additional slides for some areas of the presentation.
The following outline below identifies how to organize the content areas of your presentation. You will see that the rubric follows this.
Each slide – Meaningful bullet points supplemented with Speaker Notes in the speaker note space below the slide or as audio narrative.
- Slide 1 â Title Slide (title of topic/presentation, your name, course, prof., date)
- Slide 2 â Agenda slide â Simple outline of the presentation so your audience knows the topic and where you are going.
- Slide 3 – (An introduction of the company) Introduce and briefly describe the company and the nature of its business and corporate business environment. Do not spend a lot of time on the history of the company, but do describe sufficiently to create meaningful context.
- Slides 4 & 5 (at least): explain facts of the decisional dilemma and succinctly state the 2 choices the company had at the critical point in time; the choice the company made; the choice the company should and could have made instead (and why).
- Slides 6 & 7 (at least): Identify and explain the statutes and regulations violated â or potentially violated â by the companyâs conduct. Be specific, and explain:
⢠the purpose of the law; and
⢠how the companyâs conduct violated the law. - Slides 8 & 9 (at least): Explain the ethical failure of the company’s decision, apart from violation of law. Present an analysis and explanation of an ethical course of conduct and reasoning that the company leadership could have followed to reach the better decision you identified at no. 3 above, to both follow the law and meet the higher goals of the company. Apply and explain at least one ethical framework studied in Week 1 that would have led to the better decision if followed by the company.
- Slide 10 (one slide): Recommend a take-away lesson for business management of ANY company that is a lesson to be learned from this case study. What is a recommended business practice? Do not overly generalize. Be specific.
- Slide 11 (one slide): Conclusion â your wrap-upâ3 cogent bullet points summation of case study relevancy; law; recommendation.
- Slide 12: References slide â References are listed on the Slide, not in the speakerâs notes – Minimum five (5) credible sources that support your material in the PPT. These should also be cited in the PPT Speaker’s Notes to support your narrative, in APA short form. If you are giving an audio presentation, you can include a source by saying something like, “An article by in _ explains how the ethic of care supports successful management decisions.” Also include where necessary on your slides. Please see the tutorial listed above on how to apply APA in PPTs
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