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A 36-year-old woman comes in for her annual physical examination. She notes that her mother just died of complications of T2DM and she is worried about her own risk for T2DM, because she has been told that it runs in families. Her mother developed T2DM at age 52 and never achieved good blood sugar control; she developed heart disease at age 63 years and died at 68 years of a heart attack. The patient describes her mother as “very overweight” and sedentary. There is no other family history of T2DM.
The patient’s blood pressure is 128/82, pulse 80, respirations 18, temperature is 98.7, height is 5’5″, weight is 165, and BMI 27.5. When questioned about her lifestyle, she says that she quit smoking a couple of years ago. Because she works full time and has two children, aged seven and ten, she has little time for exercise. She tries to serve her family a healthy diet, but tends to rely on fast food on busy days. She does report increased thirst and urination. “I can’t seem to get enough to drink. I think I go to the bathroom often because I drink a lot.”
Case Questions:

  1. Using OLDCARTS, what questions would have been asked as part of the medical history
  2. What physical aspects would have been completed as part of the physical exam and why? In-clude the diagnostics that you would order and rationale.
  3. Based on the medical history and physical exam, what is the most likely cause of her increased thirst and urination? What is the pathophysiology of these symptoms?
  4. What other possible diagnoses should be considered and why?
  5. Are there any other tests that should be completed before producing a diagnosis? Why or why not?
  6. What is the treatment for this patient, including education? Follow the guidelines.
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Case Analysis: 36-Year-Old Woman Concerned About T2DM Risk

This analysis addresses the case of a 36-year-old woman concerned about her risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) due to her mother’s history.

1. Using OLDCARTS, what questions would have been asked as part of the medical history?

OLDCARTS is a mnemonic used to gather a comprehensive history of a patient’s present illness. Applying it to the patient’s report of increased thirst and urination:

  • Onset (O):
    • “When did you first notice the increased thirst and urination?”
    • “Was the onset sudden or gradual?”

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  • Location (L):
    • While thirst is systemic, ask if there’s any specific time or situation where it’s worse (e.g., throughout the day, only at night).
    • For urination, ask if it’s just increased frequency during the day, or if she is also waking up at night to urinate (nocturia).
  • Duration (D):
    • “How long has this increased thirst and urination been going on?”
    • “Has it been constant, or has it come and gone?”
  • Character (C):
    • “How would you describe your thirst? Is it a constant dry mouth, or do you just feel like you need to drink a lot?”
    • “How much more are you drinking compared to your usual intake?” (Quantify if possible – e.g., “Are you drinking twice as much?”, “How many extra bottles of water?”)
    • “What is the color and amount of your urine each time?”
  • Aggravating/Alleviating Factors (A):
    • “What makes your thirst or urination worse?” (e.g., sugary drinks, certain activities)
    • “What, if anything, makes your thirst or urination better?” (e.g., drinking water, specific foods)
  • Radiation (R): Not directly applicable to thirst and urination.
  • Timing (T):
    • “Does the increased thirst or urination occur at any specific times of the day or night?”
    • “Is there any relationship between your meals and these symptoms?”
  • Severity (S):
    • “How bothersome are these symptoms to you? Are they interfering with your daily activities or sleep?”
    • “On a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the worst thirst you’ve ever felt, how would you rate your current thirst?”
    • “How often do you feel the urge to urinate compared to before?”

In addition to OLDCARTS for the present illness, the medical history would also include:

  • Past Medical History: Any prior medical conditions, surgeries, hospitalizations, allergies, and current medications (including over-the-counter and supplements).
  • Family History: Detailed history of diabetes (age of onset, complications, control), heart disease, hypertension, kidney disease, and any other relevant conditions in first-degree relatives. Note that the patient already provided some family history.
  • Social History: Occupation, diet in more detail (specific types of fast food, frequency, portion sizes, snacking habits), physical activity levels (types of activity, frequency, duration), smoking and alcohol history (including when she quit and how much she used to smoke), sleep patterns, and stress levels related to work and family.
  • Review of Systems (ROS): A general inquiry about other symptoms that might be present, such as fatigue, unexplained weight loss or gain, changes in appetite, blurred vision, frequent infections, skin changes, or neurological symptoms.

2. What physical aspects would have been completed as part of the physical exam and why? Include the diagnostics that you would order and rationale.

A comprehensive physical examination would be performed, focusing on aspects relevant to potential T2DM and its risk factors:

  • General Appearance: Assess the patient’s overall health status, level of alertness, and any signs of distress.
  • Vital Signs: As already noted (BP, pulse, respirations, temperature). Elevated blood pressure is a risk factor for T2DM and cardiovascular disease.
  • Height, Weight, BMI, and Waist Circumference: These are crucial for assessing the patient’s weight status and central adiposity, a significant risk factor for insulin resistance and T2DM. A BMI of 27.5 indicates overweight. Waist circumference is an additional measure of abdominal fat.
  • Skin Examination: Look for signs of acanthosis nigricans (dark, velvety patches often found on the neck, armpits, and groin, indicative of insulin resistance), skin tags, and any signs of poor circulation or skin infections (though less likely at this stage).
  • Eye Examination: A basic assessment of visual acuity. While a dilated eye exam by an ophthalmologist is needed for long-term diabetes monitoring, a preliminary check is part of the general physical. The patient mentioned increased thirst, which can sometimes be associated with blurred vision due to fluid shifts.
  • Cardiovascular Examination: Auscultation of heart sounds to assess for any murmurs or irregularities. Given the mother’s history of heart disease, a baseline cardiovascular assessment is important.
  • Abdominal Examination: Palpation to assess for organomegaly (e.g., hepatomegaly, which can be associated with metabolic syndrome).
  • Neurological Examination: A basic assessment of peripheral sensation, particularly in the feet, using light touch and pinprick. This is a baseline assessment for potential future neuropathy, though unlikely at this stage.
  • Foot Examination: Inspection of the feet for any skin breakdown, ulcers, or signs of poor circulation, especially given the family history of T2DM complications.

Diagnostics to Order and Rationale:

  • Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG): This measures blood glucose levels after an overnight fast (at least 8 hours). It is a primary test for diagnosing diabetes and prediabetes. Rationale: The patient’s increased thirst and urination are classic symptoms of hyperglycemia. Her family history also increases suspicion.
  • Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c): This blood test reflects average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months. It provides a longer-term picture of glucose control and is also used for diagnosing diabetes and prediabetes. Rationale: It is less susceptible to day-to-day fluctuations in blood glucose and provides a baseline assessment of her average glucose levels.
  • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT): This involves measuring blood glucose levels before and two hours after drinking a sugary drink. It is more sensitive than FPG for diagnosing gestational diabetes and can also be used to diagnose T2DM and prediabetes. Rationale: Given her symptoms and risk factors, an OGTT could be considered, especially if the FPG is borderline.
  • Lipid Panel: Measures cholesterol (total, LDL, HDL) and triglycerides. Rationale: Individuals with insulin resistance and T2DM are at increased risk for dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease, as seen in her mother’s history. A baseline lipid profile is important for risk assessment.
  • Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) or Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Includes electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (to assess kidney function), and liver function tests. Rationale: To assess overall metabolic health and screen for any underlying kidney or liver issues. Hyperglycemia can affect electrolyte balance and kidney function over time.
  • Urinalysis: To check for glucose and ketones in the urine. Rationale: Glucosuria (glucose in the urine) occurs when blood glucose levels are very high and exceed the kidney’s ability to reabsorb it, supporting a diagnosis of diabetes. Ketones may be present if there is significant insulin deficiency, though less common in early T2DM.

3. Based on the medical history and physical exam, what is the most likely cause of her increased thirst and urination? What is the pathophysiology of these symptoms?

Based on the medical history of increased thirst (polydipsia) and urination (polyuria), along with the risk factors (family history of T2DM, overweight with a BMI of 27.5, and the symptoms themselves), the most likely cause is hyperglycemia due to undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus or Prediabetes.

Pathophysiology of Polydipsia and Polyuria in Hyperglycemia:

The increased thirst and urination in hyperglycemia are primarily due to osmotic diuresis.

  1. Hyperglycemia: In T2DM (or uncontrolled prediabetes), the body either does not produce enough insulin or the cells become resistant to the insulin that is produced (insulin resistance). 1 This leads to elevated levels of glucose in the bloodstream (hyperglycemia).  

  2. Glomerular Filtration: The kidneys filter blood in the glomeruli, and glucose is normally reabsorbed back into the bloodstream in the renal tubules.

  3. Exceeding Renal Threshold: When blood glucose levels rise above a certain threshold (typically around 180-200 mg/dL), the kidneys’ capacity to reabsorb all the glucose is exceeded.

  4. Glucosuria: The excess glucose remains in the renal tubules and is excreted in the urine (glucosuria).

  5. Osmotic Diuresis: Glucose is an osmotically active substance. Its presence in the renal tubules increases the osmolarity (concentration of solutes) of the tubular fluid. This increased osmolarity draws water into the tubules and prevents it from being reabsorbed back into the bloodstream.

  6. Polyuria: The result is an increased volume of urine production (polyuria) as more water is excreted along with the glucose.

  7. Polydipsia: The excessive loss of fluid through polyuria leads to dehydration. The body’s osmoreceptors detect this dehydration and trigger the sensation of increased thirst (polydipsia) in an attempt to replenish fluid levels.

Therefore, the patient’s increased thirst is a compensatory mechanism to counteract the fluid loss caused by the osmotic diuresis resulting from hyperglycemia.

4. What other possible diagnoses should be considered and why?

While hyperglycemia due to T2DM or prediabetes is the most likely diagnosis, other possibilities should be considered:

  • Gestational Diabetes: Although the patient is not currently pregnant, a history of gestational diabetes in the past could increase her future risk for T2DM. However, this wouldn’t explain the current symptoms unless she is unknowingly pregnant.
  • Diabetes Insipidus (DI): This condition involves a problem with the body’s regulation of fluid balance, leading to excessive urination and thirst. There are two main types:
    • Central DI: Caused by a deficiency in the production or release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the pituitary gland.
    • Nephrogenic DI: Occurs when the kidneys are unable to respond properly to ADH.
    • Rationale: While less likely given the family history of T2DM and the risk factors for insulin resistance, DI should be considered if blood glucose levels are normal despite the polyuria and polydipsia.
  • Psychogenic Polydipsia: This is a psychiatric condition characterized by excessive water intake, leading to polyuria.
    • Rationale: Usually seen in individuals with underlying mental health conditions. While possible, the other risk factors make hyperglycemia a more probable initial consideration.
  • Certain Medications: Some medications can cause increased thirst and urination as side effects (e.g., diuretics).

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