Reflect on your employment history. Were there times you felt you did not receive the pay you felt you were entitled? Perhaps you did work outside your job description, performed work off the clock, or felt you were not paid commensurate with your skill level or your coworkers’ pay. Did or could you have taken any steps to address the issue? Share your thoughts on the experience. Was there anything different you feel the employer could or should have done? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Sample Answer
Yes, there have been times in my employment history when I felt I did not receive the pay I felt I was entitled to. For example, when I was working as a waitress, I was often asked to do tasks outside of my job description, such as running food to tables or cleaning up the dining room. I also felt that I was not paid commensurate with my skill level or my coworkers’ pay.
In these situations, I felt that I could have taken some steps to address the issue. For example, I could have talked to my manager about my concerns. I could have also asked for a raise or a promotion. However, I was hesitant to do either of these things because I was afraid of being retaliated against.
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