Should the law allow an employer to fire an employee without a good reason? Conduct research to provide examples to support your position and use your own personal employment experiences when possible. Have you observed situations where an employee was fired? Did the employer give a reason? Do you believe the employerâs actions were legal?

Sample Answer
Whether the law should allow an employer to fire an employee without a good reason is a complex question with no easy answer. There are strong arguments to be made on both sides of the issue.
On the one hand, it is important for employers to have the freedom to manage their businesses as they see fit. This includes the ability to hire and fire employees as they see necessary. If employers were not allowed to fire employees without a good reason, it could make it difficult for them to make necessary changes to their businesses. For example, if an employee is not performing well, an employer may need to be able to fire them in order to hire someone who can do the job better.
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