Select one (1) emerging practice area that interests you for developing a business within your current community. emerging area selected- Children and Youth
1.Explain why this area interests you for your future as an OTR. (Occupational Therapist)
2.Thinking about a Needs Assessment, why does your community need this business AND what evidence do you have to support this area of need in your community?
3.Why is it important to have a mentor when creating a new business?
In 2-3 sentences, how would you convince or sell your idea to 3 other classmates to join you in creating this business?

Sample Answer
1. Why Children and Youth Interests Me as an OTR
Children and youth are a dynamic and ever-evolving population. Their developmental trajectory is incredibly rapid, and I find the opportunity to guide and support their growth through occupational therapy to be incredibly rewarding. This age group presents a unique blend of challenges and opportunities, from fine motor skill development and sensory integration to social-emotional learning and academic success. I believe that by focusing on this population, I can make a significant and lasting impact on their lives.
2. Community Need and Evidence
My community, like many others, faces challenges in providing adequate support for children and youth with developmental needs. [Here’s where you need to insert specific evidence from your community.] For example:
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