What effects do indigenous sacred ways rituals seem to have, such as storytelling, drumming, initiations, healing, self-sacrifice, and vision quests?
How can Hinduism embrace such a wide continuum of contradictory views of the relation of spirit and body-severe sadhu asceticism and elaborate sensuous images of gods and goddesses?
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In what ways is Confucianism religious and in what ways not religious?
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Why were Jesus teachings radical?
Why do you think, of all possibilities, submission (as distinct from enlightenment or salvation, for example) is the major theme of Islam?
What are the most important religious themes and people that are common to Islam, Judaism, and Christianity?
Describe the central beliefs of the Sikhs. Discuss God, karma, reincarnation, monotheism, freedom of religions, ritualism, sincerity, purpose of life, infanticide, five conditions for righteous war, various names of God, self-discipline, langar, gurdwara, sangat, baptism, and labor.
Can you envision qualities and beliefs that would constitute a positive new religion?

Sample Answer
The Impact of Indigenous Sacred Ways
Indigenous sacred ways often involve a deep connection to nature and a belief in the interconnectedness of all things. Rituals like storytelling, drumming, initiations, healing, self-sacrifice, and vision quests serve various purposes:
- Spiritual Connection: These rituals facilitate a spiritual connection to the divine or to the natural world.
- Community Building: They strengthen social bonds and promote a sense of belonging within the community.
- Healing and Well-being: Rituals can be used to heal physical and emotional ailments, as well as to promote spiritual well-being.
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