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Edce 512 quiz 5 (2019)

Edce 512 quiz 5 (2019)


  1. The ideal setting for a group with older members should be  
  2. Vince and his wife of 48 years, Ann, are 86 and 74 years old respectively. They are in the      and    age ranges.
  3. Martin and Thomas report success in working with “shy” college students in behavioral/cognitive groups on campus. They advertised these groups as “clinics” for which of the following reasons?
  4. Cummins identifies three areas that must be carefully addressed in preparation for women with eating disorders to eventually have successful group experiences.  Which of the following is NOT one of these three areas?
  5. Counseling groups for older adults differ in several ways from those designed for other age groups. All of the following except   reflect such unique distinctions.
  6. An eclectic approach to couples group therapy, which includes elements of psychoanalysis, transactional analysis, Gestalt, cognitive therapy and systems theory, is   .
  7. Since the 1970s a popular group experience for older persons, where people gather together to study often on college campuses, is called   .
  8. Following their sixteen-week, closed-ended, grief and loss psychotherapy group with adults as reported by Price et al, which of Yalom’s therapeutic factors was most identifiable?
  9. Individuals who may have “lost interest” with the present and future and instead focus on the past might benefit from    groups.
  10. Adulthood is conceptualized as the age period between 20 and 65 years. Midlife, therefore, is thought to begin around   .
  11. For young adult students in higher education, Vinson advocates that leaders carefully utilize    to help group members better understand the complex dynamics affecting their life development.
  12. Topic-specific groups with older adults are    in nature
  13. Leaders working with adults often use activities in a sequential pattern because it is developmental and logical. Donigian and Hulse-Killacky assert that non-sequential activities are especially appropriate to use when the group   .
  14. Typically, Santrock contends men, women, as well as individuals with special needs and developmental concerns experience midlife   .
  15. Adult men in groups often engage in the group process by telling stories. Using ritual processes such as drumming, physical movement, and imagery exercises can be powerful adjuncts to traditional therapeutic groups for men. These are often termed  
  16. Solution-focused debriefing (SFD) groups share many features of other crisis debriefing group formats; one element is that all members  
  17. Helen, at age 83, has entered a unique counseling/psychotherapy
    group with the expressed goal of her becoming more cognitively organized and to increase socialization skills through interpersonal interaction. This group is likely titled a    group.
  18. A major goal and focus of growth for “relationship groups” for adult women is reported to be  
  19. Thomas and Martin identify problems with confinement, infringement of lifestyle, restricted social life, and emotional physical and emotional stress as primary features of which of the following groups?
  20. Adult children of alcoholics tend to need help breaking Black’s three universal roles.  Which of the following is NOT a universal role as outlined by Black (1981)?
  21. Groups for caretakers of older adults primarily supply   .
  22. One of the first types of groups set up specifically for men in the early 1970s was the all-male    group.
  23. Psychotherapy and counseling groups for older adults might focus on helping members    
  24. Groups geared toward the remediation of specific problems such as social isolation and physical decline are __________________.
  25. A short-term, structured ________ group focuses on a particular problem.


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