Diet Analysis

Diet Analysis


� Estimate portions sizes and nutrient content of foods you regularly eat.
� Analyze your diet for adequacy and balance of essential nutrients.
� Identify food sources of nutrients that may be lacking in the diet.
� Compare your diet and activity to current guidelines.


This assignment is worth 100 points and is to be completed in three parts.

Part 1: Track your diet. Worth 10 points. Estimated time is 90 minutes.

  1. Keep a record of what you eat and drink for 5 days. Include the following:

What? Include both food and beverages you ate
How much? estimate tablespoons, cups, ounces
When? time of the day you ate it
Where? where you ate
Who? who ate with
Why? why you ate�hunger, boredom, stress, happy, sad, etc.

  1. Keep a record of your physical activity for those 5 days. Include the time, type, frequency and intensity of each activity.
  2. Type your food and activity into a Word document in menu form or as a chart. The more accurate you are in keeping a log of what you are eating and the keeping track of your physical activity, the more information you will get out of this project.
  3. Submit this document in Canvas by the due date.

Part 2: Input your diet and create reports. Worth 15 points. Estimated time is 2-3 hours.

a. You will need to purchase the MyDietAnalysis program by Pearson Education if you did not purchase MacMillan Mylab and Mastering as your text. If you choose another food analysis program, you will need to make sure that it analyzes your intake of all the nutrients that you will need to answer in Part 3.

b. You will need to create a profile, track your diet and activity and create reports. The Home tab across the top of MyDietAnalysis has videos on how to do this. Always use Chrome as your browser.

c. Input your typed food and activity record intoMyDietAnalysis program.

d. Create reports for the 5 days. There are several from which you may choose, but the most helpful will be Actual Intakes vs. Recommended Intakes and Activity Summary. Be sure to select all 5 days to create an average of your actual intake.

e. The following are other helpful reports that you will need, but do not need to submit for this assignment.

� Single Nutrient report shows your list of foods eaten and how much of a single nutrient contributes to your total.**
� Myplate report displays how your diet compares to the latest Myplate recommendations**
� Energy Balance report compares your intake of kcals to your kcal expenditure
� Calorie and Fat Sourcereport gives you a quick summary comparing types of fat eaten. Also gives a ratio of potassium to sodium. Look at this ratio and understand why it is important.**
� Meal Assessment report breaks down your total kcals and macros by meal.
� All Daily Reports shows a variety of data combined into one report.

** denotes a report that is needed to complete Part 3

f. Download the Actual Intake vs. Recommended Intake and Activity Summary (5 day average) reports as PDFs. Upload these two PDFs into Canvas for Part 2 by the due date.

Part 3: Analyze your diet and physical activity. Worth 75 points. Estimated time is 4-6 hours.

  1. Use the reports from MyDietAnalysis to reflect on and analyze your diet.
  2. Create a Word document to write your reflection in complete sentences and in paragraph form. This is your opportunity to reflect on your nutrient intake and eating behaviors. Use thePart 3 Questions below to guide you in your reflection.
  3. Submit Part 3 as a Word document in Canvas by the due date.

Grading Criteria:

� Is each part complete and submitted on time?
� Does the reflection answer the questions with consideration and detail?
� Is the reflection in a flowing paragraph format with understandable sentences?

Part 3 Questions
Paragraph 1: Examine your eating behavior (10 points)
(all of the this information can be found in 5 day food intake.pdf)
a. Do you eat within 1-2 hours of getting up?
� Yes, wake up @ 4am, drop daughter off at daycar @ 5, work @ 5:30
b. How evenly spaced are your meals?
� Breakfast to snack is around 3-4 hours, snack to lunch is about 2, lunch to dinner is about 6
c. How frequently do you eat throughout the day?
� About 4 times a day
d. Where do you eat (location) on the table, in front of TV, on the go etc?
� Breakfast in the office @ desk, snack in the office @desk, lunch at restaurant, dinner @ homeat the table
e. Do you share a meal with others?
� Breakfast usually alone, lunch with coworkers, snack with cowokers, and dinner with family
f. Do you eat only when you are hungry or eat when you are bored or other reasons?
� usually when I am hungry, during the 5 day period I tried not to
g. How often does nutrition influence your food choices?
� It does not, I usually choose if it looks apealling
h. Do you eat even when you are full?
� No
i. Is there any behavior that you notice in your eating patterns.
� The times that I eat are usually the same, lunch seams to be the heaviest(if you see other go ahead and write)
j. Look at the MyPlate report. Is your diet balanced? How does it compare to the Myplate recommendations?
� No (look at myplate.pdf)

Paragraph 2: Examine your carbohydrate intake (10 points)
(All of this informatin can be found in Actual v Intake.pdf)
a. How many grams of carbohydrate do you consume in an average day?
� 357g
b. How many kcals is this?
� 4×357=1428 kcal
c. What % of your total kcals is contributed by carbohydrate as shown by the 5-day food summary?
� 146%
d. How does this compare with the recommendations of 45-65% of total kcalsguidelines?
� i�m way above
e. How much dietary fiber did you average on your 5-day analysis?
� 12.76g
f.How does this compare with the DRI for fiber? If you are low in fiber, what changes can you make to improve your fiber intake?
� it is under, eat more fibrous foods
g. Are your food choices mostly whole or processed?
� mainly whole, but some prosessed
h. What is your added sugar intake? Is it within the limits recommended for you? 6.67
i. Do you eat a variety of carbohydrates? Mainly from bread and pasta

Paragraph 3: Examine your fat intake (10 points)
(All of this informatin can be found in Actual v Intake.pdf)
a. What is the AMDR for fat? 55.28g
b. What % of your total calories comes from fat? 1131
c. What are the major sources of fat from your diet?
� Beijing beef 26g
� Sausage breakfast buritto 17.03g x 2
� Chicken nuggets 13.53g
� Chow mein 22g
� Curry beef 31.34g
� Doughnut 27g x 2
� French fries 15.93g
� Gyro 49g
� Ice cream 17.33g
� Lasagna 12.28g
� Orange chicken 18g
� Pizza 12.63g
� Jimmy john�s 17g
� Sausage breakfast on a stick 23g x 2
d. What % of your total calories comes from saturated fat and what does the AMDR recommend? My AVG = 414.65, reccommened = 159.9,1 My %=259
e. What are the main sources of saturated fat in your diet?(need to look)
f. What % of your total calories comes from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats?poly = 12.91, Rec=17.77, my %=73 / Mono=18.35, rec=19.74 my %=93
g. Why do the dietary guidelines recommend replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats? Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats as part of a healthy diet helps reduce risk for heart disease
h. Look at your omega 3 intake in your Actual vs. Recommended report. Did you meet your AI for ALA (alpha linolenic acid)? You will need to look up your AI. My omega 3 = 0.90g, recommended = 1.6g
i. Why is ALA good for you and what are some food sources? ALA is an antioxidant. Antioxidants protect against damage tothe body’s cells. Food source yeast, organ meats like liver and heart, spinach, broccoli, and potatoes

Paragraph 4: Examine your protein intake (5 points)
(All of this informatin can be found in Actual v Intake.pdf)

a. How many grams of protein did you consume on a daily average? 101.90g
b. What % of your total calories comes from protein? 101.90×4=407.6 then 407.6/2950=0.14 then 0.14×100=14%
c. How does your protein intake compare with the recommended (10 to 35% of total caloric intake) amounts?good
d. List your animal protein sources and plant sources of protein.
Beijing beef 13g
Bread 3.48g
Breakfast burrito 12.09g
Chicken nuggets 9.87g
Chow main 13g
Beef curry 27.07g
Doughnut 5g
Hardboiled egg 6.29g
French fries 4.21g
Gyro 52g
Icecream 3.74g
Macchiato 10g
Orange juice 2g
Lasagna 18.43g
Orange chicken 14g
Pizza 12.71g
White rice 2.12g
Crispy chicken 15g
Jimmy john 33g
Breakfast sausage 8g
Split pea 12g
Pop tart 2.13g

e. Is there anything you would like to change in your diet in regard to protein?

Paragraph 5: Examine your vitamin intake (5 points)
(All of this informatin can be found in Food Folder)
a. List the fat-soluble vitamins. A, D, E, K
b. Is your intake of any of the fat-soluble vitamins under your RDA? no
c. What is beta-carotene and what does it do for the body? Did you consume any foods with beta-carotene? human body converts beta carotene into vitamin A, We need vitamin A for healthy skin and mucus membranes, our immune system, and good eye health and vision, yes
bread 0.56�g
egg 5.5�g
ice cream 34.24�g
lasagna 617.16 �g

d. List the water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, FOLATE
e. Is your intake of any water-soluble vitamin below the RDA? Except in B12 and C
f. Are you taking any vitamin supplement? no
g. After seeing your vitamin intake, do you think you need one? Maybe mens 1 aday

Paragraph 6: Examine your mineral intake (10 points)
(All of this informatin can be found in Food Folder)
a. What was your average daily intake of calcium? 598.89g
b. What % of your recommended intake did you consume? 1000
c. What foods contributed to calcium in your diet? If you were low, what foods could you include to add more calcium to your daily diet?
Water 7.1 mg
Split pea soup 19.6mg
Sprite 5.28mg
Crispy chicken sandwich 40mg
White rice 7.9mg
Pizza 159.33mg
Lasagna 202.94mg
Orange juice 20mg
Iced macchiato 350mg
Ice cream 125.19mg
Hot sauce 0.65mg
Gyro 150mg
French fries 18.08mg
Hard boild egg 25mg
Beef curry 43.96
Coffee 4.73
Chicken nuggets 6.6mg
Breakfast burrito 143.88mg
Bread 45.08

d. What was your average daily intake of sodium? 4851g
e. Which foods contributed most to your sodium intake? Everything except tap water
f. Look at your ratio of potassium to sodium in the Calorie and Fat Source report. What is it and why is it important to have greater than a 3:1 ratio? 0.43:1
g. What is your average daily intake of iron?12.89mg
h. Which foods supplied your iron intake?

Pop tart 2.49mg
Split pea soup 1.44mg
Sprite 0.29mg
Chicken sandwich 1.8mg
White rice 0.94mg
Pizza 2.63mg
Lasagna 1.8mg
Ice cream 0.36mg
Gyro 6.3mg
French fries 1.05mg
Hardboiled egg 0.59mg
Doughnut 1.44mg
Beef curry 4.23mg
Chicken nuggets 0.37mg
Breakfast burrito 2.48mg
Bread 0.69mg
i. Were low in any other minerals? magnesium, potassium
j. List two chronic diseases that are associated with low intakes of magnesium. Which foods contain magnesium?
Water 2.36mg
Pop tart 3.12mg
Sprite 2.64mg
White rice 9.48mg
Pizza 27.12mg
Lasagna 50.04mg
Orange juice 24mg
Ice cream 11.77mg
French fries 37.29mg
Hardboiled egg 5mg
Beef curry 58.99mg
Coffee 7.1mg
Chicken nuggets 13.2mg
Breakfast burrito 19.62mg
Bread 21mg
Paragraph 7:Examine your fluid and beverage intake (5 points)

a. What is your average intake of water? 983.12g
b. What other beverages do you consume? juice in morning, coffee when im tired, sprite during lunch and sparkling water at dinner
c. What is your intake of soft drinks per day? 3 to 4 times a day
d. Do beverages contribute to your calorie intake in a significant way? No they do not
Coffee 2.36
Orange juice 110
Sprite 105.76
Macchiato 210
e. What is your caffeine intake. A safe intake for caffeine is less than 400 mg for adults (200 mg if you are under 18). Do you take in a safe amount? About 1 coffee per day, yes

Paragraph 8: Examine your body weight/energy balance and physical activity (10 points)
a. How many calories does this program estimate for you?1776.79
b. How many calories did you take in on average over these 5 days? 2950
c. How many calories did you expend in physical activity?0
d. Did you meet the physical activity guidelines based on
e. What activities do you need to add to meet these guidelines? No
f. How do these 5 days line up with the energy balance equation?
g. Can you be expected to lose, gain or maintain weight based on your intake vs expenditure? gain
h. Is there anything you would like to change in regard to energy balance or physical activity? More physical activity

Paragraph 9: Conclusion (10 points)

a. As you look at the various reports in Part 2, is there one that stands out to you as most interesting to you?
b. Explain 5 things you like about your diet.
c. Recommend 5 things that might need a change and how you could make that change
d. What is one thing you learned from this assignment?

Diet Analysis

Sample Solution


Profitability, Lean Six Sigma Advisory Report Substance Presentation Affirmation Cont Diet Analysis ent Six Sigma Implementation stage Characterize Phase: (DMAIC) Estimating stage: Dissect Phase: Improvement Phase: Control Phase: Result and Conclusion: SIX SIGMA AND CHALLENGES Unique: Development of Six Sigma Analysis and Resistance: Defeating the hindrances: Protection from Change at Nokia Social impact SIX SIGMA A SOLUTION TO NOKIA’s PROBLEM End References Presentation Following warning report depends on three contextual investigation to comprehend the use of lean six sigma and difficulties looked during the usage of six sigma. The main contextual analysis depends on proposition for overseeing abandons in aluminum kick the bucket throwing business. To comprehend voyage of usage of Lean Six Sigma and opposition confronted while executing the procedure, Motorola’s adventure of usage of lean six sigma is followed and how they defeat it. T Diet Analysis o see how Lean Six Sigma functions and how it can confront opposition, an exceptionally basic yet normal non-corporate model is given, Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in every day life. To help the contention outlines and graphs are utilized, instances of Lean Six Sigma instruments have been given to help and represent the contention. Content Quality and Productivity Improvement Using Six Sigma Unique: The accompanying examination propose a creative procedure for controlling the variety of imperfections in pass on throwing business. Utilization of Six Sigma system and DMAIC as principle apparatus is done to dissect the issue. Procedure approval is finished with Taguchi DOE and ANOVA examination subterranean insect 95% certainty indicated impact of metal temperature in causing absconds. With assistance of execution of Six Sigma the deformity level decreased from a17.22% to 4.8%. As aluminum bite the dust throwing is generally utilized underway of vehicle industry, this examination gives system to improving the bite the dust throwing business greatness. Presentation: In the 21st century of rivalry and consistent changes have put organizations compelled to improve intensity and endeavor to accomplish business greatness. During the previous two decades, the quality advancement has given a wide gathering of nonstop improvement techniques to improve the way toward improving quality and profitability for business development support. Six Sigma philosophy is one of constant improvement approach adjusted by organizations. Six Sigma approach is moving from assembling businesses and spreading in different ventures. Six Sigma can be characterized as deliberate methodology as it depends on factual devices and information to diminish the variety or decrease in deformities. The Six Sigma technique incorporates DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) for procedure improvement. This technique firmly accentuation on social affair factual information and main drive Diet Analysis r investigation. This examination is activity to rehearse Taguchi’s exploratory plan procedure with Six Sigma DMAIC approach for improving nature of item and profitability of organizations by diminishing imperfections. The building bunch in this examination started Six Sigma to improve the circumstance and accomplish quality by setting following destinations: Diminish the imperfection rate Accomplish consumer loyalty Accomplish on time conveyance Improve process profitability with minimal increment in expense of value.  Research and Background Six Sigma generally was utilized to decrease the expense however with late investigations it has been expressed that it could be utilized to expand benefit, drive advancement and improve hierarchical learning. The effective usage of Six Diet Analysis  Sigma requires thorough use of apparatuses and procedures at each phase of procedure. At the core of Six Sigma approach is the utilization of DOE (plan of investigation). DOE is procedure for efficiently applying measurement to experimentation. It was begun in UK and USA during 1920s. The Taguchi strategy is named after Japanese researcher Taguchi, the Taguchi technique for exploratory plan is customary methodology that improves profitability of better-quality items and keep up minimal effort. It is a proficient and compelling technique for recognize parameters which impact the procedure. It is altered way to deal with conventional procedure and is broadly utilized in making improvement by creating symmetrical exhibit and disentangling the investigation of fluctuation.  Relation among Quality and Productivity Organizations centers around improving the benefits, yet it ought to be without bargaining the quality. Efficiency and quality should increment in general, improving profitability by trading off quality may end in disappointment. Deming weights on improving quality so as to accomplish efficiency. Improving quality and profitability at the same time serves following advantages to a business: Profitability rises Quality improves Cost decrease Representatives fulfillment Previously Case1 Center profitability After Previously Case2 Center profitability and quality After All out things delivered 1000 1100 1000 1000 Faulty Items 100 220 100 10 Great Items 900 880 900 990 Improvement 90% 80% 90% 99% Table1 Productivity versus profitability and quality concentration to progress As it is delineated in the table above expanding efficiency by 10% may pressure the creation assets and result in 20% of flawed items bringing about decrease of number of items to 80%, 10% drop when contrasted with the first. While in the event that two when the attention is moved on both quality and efficiency, the imperfection rate can be brought down to 1%. Improving efficiency through quality can bring every single wanted outcome, better quality, improve profitability, cost decrease and manageability. Six Sigma Implementation stage Organization the organization for this situation study is situated in South India named SME, it produces aluminum segments for Automobiles organizations all through the nation and abroad. Two stroke motor oil siphon body is taken as fundamental segment for this examination, as it has the best number of d Diet Analysis ismissal then another segment. The pass on throwing is made by utilizing weight ki Diet Analysis ck the bucket throwing strategy. A large portion of the items are sold inside nation as the vast majority of the requests are specially made. The huge quantities of imperfections make it hard to fulfill the need of costumers and put weight on the business. At the client finished result is additionally put under warmth for 24 hours before use. During the procedure blow openings can show up especially at rib area, which further may bring about oil spillage. That is the reason it is basic for compony to deliver permeable free part to lessen the dismissals and the cost gathered because of dismissal. Characterize Phase: (DMAIC) This is the underlying phase of DMAIIC stage, it expects to characterize the extension and procedure of actualizing Six Sigma according to client necessity. This stage is urgent for top administration so as to enhance profitability and accomplish consumer loyalty. In the wake of doing underlying driver investigation it was presumed that kick the bucket handling is causing the imperfections. Estimating stage: This is a significant stage where every one of the information is accumulated for further examination. It is additionally separated in two angles Estimating Phase Figuring current sigma level Information gathering 1) Calculating imperfection per unit of bunch (DPU) 2) Calculating imperfection per opportunity(DPO) 3) Calculating imperfection per million opportunity(DPMO) 4) It is critical to figure current sigma level while actualizing six sigma inside an association. Current sigma will give clear vision of the present procedure ability and contrast it and the outcomes accomplished in the wake of actualizing SIX SIGMA. Break down Phase: At this stage information is broke down to guide out the procedure for enhancements. For the situation above it is crucial to realize the center source causing the blowholes. Circumstances and logical results study is directed with the assistanc Diet Analysis e of aptitude of the field, parameters that can be potential explanation of causing the variety are shortlisted. Improvement Phase: Different investigations are done to decide the best approach of progress among the 5 chose parameters. Various trials are run and the outcomes from every one of them is recorded for assessment. Varieties, odds of DPU and SIGMA level is determined. Control Phase: Reason for executing SIX SIGMA isn’t just to improve the procedure however to likewise give maintainability to the procedure. To each change the significant hazard is slippage, it is difficult to change and support with it. This period of DMAIC requires institutionalization, observing, which is another property of SIX  SIGMA. Assessment report demonstrates as far as possible. Metal temperature and degassing were named significant parameters causing blowholes. Further broad preparing was required for the staff engaged with kick the bucket throwing process, as it is significant for workers to know about changes and new set benchmarks of the organization. A completely assessed database is given which kept up the new set gauges and procedure excessively be economical. Subsequent to leading last affirmation test outcomes outlined that the imperfection rates gone down to 4.8%. (Muthuswamy Shanmugaraja, n.d.) Result and Conclusion: The investigation above outlines the outcomes that were accomplished by actualizing SIX SIGMA in business procedure to decrease the deformities. The  Diet Analysis imperfections were diminished as well as the quality result was better and dismissal rates went low also, bringing about improved profitability. SIX SIGMA AND CHALLENGES Go head to head with obstruction Unique: Following are two unique situations where changes wer presented and it was countered with obstruction. How the countermeasures were laid, and proposals are examined too in following report. Motorola otherwise called origin of SIX SIGMA is one of the exa>

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