Design a Human Relations Plan for an organization.

Design a Human Relations Plan for an organization.

Design a Human Relations Plan for an organization. The situation this company is facing and all facets you must consider will be in the assignments tab on Blackboard as well as the bottom of this syllabus. Your plan will use the major topics covered in this course to produce sound human relations practices. Keep in mind you will need to consider the following:

 The issues the workforce will face, both now and in the future

 The methods you will employ to implement your plan

 How you will measure your success

Please remember your assignment must be 8-12 typed pages in length, single or double spaced, with 11 font.

“The Art of Choosing Well”

Established as a family owned operation in 1955. Three generations have been in the executive positions running the firm and created a positive work environment. They are a development group specializing in cell and gene therapies as well as their new drug delivery system. For years they have operated and provided drug companies with functional clinical data through laboratory procedures and testing. Pharmanetix is a private firm. Below is the company information and case scenario:

Employee Population: 1,000 (all Full-time) & (Lab employee’s are on shifts)

Location # of Employees Function

New York
400 Headquartered Office
Marketing, Sales, Lab, Legal, HR & Accounting

50 Field Sales Reps.
Pharmaceutical Sales

100 Warehouse
Distribution & Warehouse

125 Regional Office
Marketing, Sales & Office

25 Field Sales Reps.
Pharmaceutical Sales

50 Warehouse
Distribution & Warehouse

125 Regional Office
Marketing, Sales & Office

50 Field Sales Reps.
Pharmaceutical Sales

75 Warehouse
Distribution & Warehouse
Note: NY Warehouse employees are Unionized.

Total Revenue: $3 Billion

Current Business Challenges

Banking on new drug, RDX, which was only clinically tested, to put them ahead in the market. The new drug was denied by the FDA for further testing. This pushed back the possible approval and release by several months. Projected sales have dropped already 20%.
They were hoping to go public and now have to change their testing procedures to using live recruiting participants (mostly mice). Their employee population has always voiced their pleasure that testing has always been clinical and not on live subjects.
In an effort to save money, the company has elected to contract out distribution. This results in a lay-off in NY Distribution Center and a closure of the Florida Warehouse.
There has been voluntary turnover experienced based on what has transpired.

You have been recently hired as the Director of Human Relations for Pharmanetix. Long known as one of the most stable pharmaceutical companies in the industry, which has now begun to experience problems such as:

a) Denial of new drug therapy b) Change in testing procedures c) Layoff and closing of one of the Distribution Centers d) Turnover in sales and distribution

Your essential function is to assess the situation and make recommendations for a new Human Relations Program that will enable the company to sustain itself and retain employees while re-establishing morale. Here is what you must address in your project:

How are you going to gauge current employee morale?

What means and forms of communication are you going to rely on?

How would you gauge the management style employed throughout Pharmanetix?

How should the company address the changing of testing procedures with employees?

How do you handle the layoff? Directly and indirectly? Indirectly means how do you handle the existing workforce after the layoff.

What problems would you anticipate with the union?

What new programs would you recommend to increase the quality of work life for the employees?

Examine the reasons for turnover and what is the most cost efficient method(s) to resolving it.

What are the laws that we must be aware of?

10.How would you coach and counsel employees to see the big picture?

Design a Human Relations Plan

Sample Solution


or contemporary feminist thinkers and theorists, the concept of womanhood and what it means to be a woman in a post-structuralist society is posing a problem. T Design a Human Relations Plan he problem that has risen, is one of fundamental ideation because if feminist theorists and thinkers cannot agree on what feminism and womanhood means, then the departure point from education isn’t universal in nature. The reason for the ambiguity surrounding what it means to be a woman is primarily due to lived experiences and intersectionality. This concept of a divided feminist front is especially problematic in a society run by men who abuse politics and policies to sequest Design a Human Relations Plan er rights and perceived rights from women. Any attempt to speak on behalf of the entirety of feminism or women is to presuppose that one knows what it truly means to be a woman in a society where any historical documents surrounding women has been universally tainted by misogyny, bigotry, and ignorance. Millennia’s old patriarchal structures continues to affect every aspect of human-kind, including feminists through internalized sexism, which leads to feminist on feminist toxicity. The dilemma today is that a woman’s own self-definition which is grounded to mans concept that one’s self-definition must be quantifiable, understood, and explainable to standards that man himself would never hold himself to. Any attempts made to advocate for change for the good of women, under the power of man, is met with misconstrued  Design a Human Relations Plan notions that women are essentially entirely irrational and immoral, or entirely kind and benevolent. During a phone interview with an anonymous representative of the Westboro Baptist Church, a religious organization of whose brand of religion has become notorious for its hate speech, had this to say about feminism, I have my definition of feminism . . . You know used to, I used to study, uh, philosophy at the Department – at the, the University of Kansas. I worked on a piece there for a while, so I have a philosophical definition of feminism, but then you- feminism is one of those kinda murky, uh, there really isn’t a tightly-wound, uh, you know, disposition there, it’s kinda like nailing jello to a tree. If you  Design a Human Relations Plan ask five different people what feminism is you’re proba- you’re bound to get five different answers. But, so, like I said, those aspects of, of feminism that have to do with equal treatment under the law, we’re all for. But when you usurp the bible’s authority on s Design a Human Relations Plan ome aspects of feminism like, say, putting women in the pulpits, and, and having women- and there’s a really good book for you to read on this. I can’t think of the author’s name, but I can tell you what the, the name of the book is. You’ll really like this. It’s called, uh, Bobbed Hair, Bossy Wives, and Women Preachers. And that’s, that’s got kind of a bible view of how a true church of the lord Jesus Christ oughta take a look at the roles of women. (Barks) The left and right-wing extremists and everyone in between are filling the gaps with what they think they know about feminism and womanhood, and political discourse is no exception. The President of the Unites States (POTUS), no matter who is in the Whitehouse, has his or her constituency to consider while creating new laws and policies. Historically speaking, Donald Trump used to (very nearly) take a pro-choice stance, according to Richard Wolffe, in 1999 Trump was quoted as saying “I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still – I just believe in choice” (Wolffe). Nobody likes th Design a Human Relations Plan e concept of abortion, but to accept that it’s a choice is fundamental to the pro-choice movement and for true autonomy of woman. Through either evolution of his own beliefs or due to pressures from his constituency as leader of>

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