Choose a club featured in the featured in the Deloitte Football Money League 2024 ( Manchester United)
Analyze the clubâs financial health by incorporating data from the Deloitte Football Money League 2024
Choose one of the papers below:
Injuries in Female Futsal Players: A Systematic Review
a. b. c. d. Choose a club featured in the featured in the Deloitte Football Money League 2024
Analyze the clubâs financial health by incorporating data from the Deloitte Football Money League 2024
Choose one of the papers below:
Injuries in Female Futsal Players: A Systematic Review
a. b. c. d. e. Table of contents:
Identification of Game Periods and Playing Position Activity Profiles in Elite-Level Beach Soccer Players Through Principal Component Analysis
Diagnostic Applications of AI in Sports: A Comprehensive Review of Injury Risk Prediction Methods
Beyond xG: A Dual Prediction Model for Analyzing Player Performance Through Expected and Actual Goals in European Soccer Leagues
⦠(MDPI – Publisher of Open Access Journals)
Produce a report analyzing the financial, sportive results and the possible applications of the chosen paper into the clubâs management practices.
- Introduction
- The Chosen Club
- The Chosen Paper
- Group Members
- Financial Analysis: Detailed exploration of the financial situation of the club based on the Deloitte’s Report and the Financial Statements of the
- Perform an in-depth review of the clubâs financial health, using data from the Deloitte Football Money League 2024.
- Identify the most significant revenue streams and expense categories.
- Assess the cost-revenue structure and analyze risks and potential threats to the club’s financial stability.
What are the primary revenue streams and expense categories, and how do they influence the club’s financial stability and exposure to potential risks?
What risks and inefficiencies exist in the current financial structure?
- Paper analysis
- Methodology: Evaluate the approach and techniques used in the paper.
- Data Analysis: Understand how the findings can be applied to sports contexts.
- Conclusions & Applicability: Assess the practical relevance of the paper’s insights for improving the clubâs management and
What are the main objectives, research questions, hypothesis, methodological approach concerning data collection and analysis, and
conclusions of the paper?
- Insights Produced by the Group: Develop critical insights and actionable recommendations based on the combined analysis of Deloitte data
and the club’s financial and paper analysis
- Develop actionable insights by integrating financial analysis and findings from the selected paper.
- Provide strategic recommendations to enhance the clubâs financial health and sports performance over the next five seasons.
- What strategic recommendations can enhance the club’s financial and sports performance over the next five seasons based on the data
analyzed in correlation with the chosen paper?
Conclusions: Summarize findings, implications, and potential strategies based on the insights generated from the analysis.

Sample Answer
Manchester United: A Financial Analysis and the Application of Injury Prediction in Elite Futsal
1. Introduction
- The Chosen Club: Manchester United, a globally recognized football club with a rich history and a massive global fanbase.
- The Chosen Paper: “Injuries in Female Futsal Players: A Systematic Review”
- Group Members: [Insert Group Members Names]
2. Financial Analysis
Manchester United consistently ranks among the highest-earning clubs globally. According to the Deloitte Football Money League 2024, the club generated significant revenue from:
- Matchday Revenue: Strong ticket sales and matchday hospitality revenue contribute
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