The Founding Fathers risked their lives and the lives of their families to make a statement to
the empire of Great Britain and the rest of the world. The document they created would have
been viewed as treason by the British government, and had they failed in their great plight
for independence they would likely have lost everything, including their lives.
Your task is to write your own Declaration of Independence. You must follow the guidelines
below to create this document, which should mirror the real Declaration of Independence.
1) Preamble: Discuss the reasons for why you are writing this Declaration. (From,
âWhen in the Course of human Eventsâ to âdeclare the Causes which impel them to
the Separation.â) What reasons do you believe you should declare your
2) Declaration of Student Rights: Explain what you believe, the philosophy and ideals
behind your document. (From, âWe hold these Truths to be self-evidentâ¦.â) What
beliefs about your independence do you have
3) List of Complaints/Grievances: List the person/persons to whom you are addressing
your complaints, and what you specifically are complaining about. (From, âTo prove
this, let Facts be submitted to a candid Worldâ¦.â) An example might be âOur
Teachers have assigned an enormous amount of homework that we were forced to
complete at times inconvenient.â (Caveat: You may not list any individuals by name,
and all complaints must be intelligently worded and appropriate for school!)
4) Statements of prior attempts to redress grievances: List the ways in which you
have already tried to address your complaints. (From âNor have We been wanting in
attentions to our British brethrenâ¦â) In what ways have you already tried to address
your complaints?
5) Declaration of Independence: Describe how you want things to change as a result of
this Declaration. (From âWe, thereforeâ¦â) How would you want things to change if
you became independent?
Sample Solution
The resistance theory evaluates how teachers and students recognize and respond to cultural dominance within the classroom (Giroux, H. 1985). This is where the studentâs either chooses to resist the cultural dominance within the classroom or conform to it. When students resist the cultural dominance within the classroom, it is because they want to maintain their sense of identity (Giroux, H. (1985). Implementing Multicultural Education into the Curriculum My plan to implement multicultural education into the classroom would first involve me getting to know my students and their different cultural backgrounds. I would first give my students an assignment, which will involve them using their creative side. I would have them create a timeline of their life and identify their milestones. This will allow me to view their past as well as see their aspirations for the future. The next assignment would involve my students developing a tree. Resources permitting, I would allow my students to digitally design their tree using an iPad or a computer. Taking the information from their timeline and placing it on a tree. Their earliest memories would be categorized as the roots and written at the root of the tree. The trunk will represent them growing older. The branches will represent their prominent memories in which forms their identity. The leaves will represent their interest and things they are involved in such as sports or clubs.>
The resistance theory evaluates how teachers and students recognize and respond to cultural dominance within the classroom (Giroux, H. 1985). This is where the studentâs either chooses to resist the cultural dominance within the classroom or conform to it. When students resist the cultural dominance within the classroom, it is because they want to maintain their sense of identity (Giroux, H. (1985). Implementing Multicultural Education into the Curriculum My plan to implement multicultural education into the classroom would first involve me getting to know my students and their different cultural backgrounds. I would first give my students an assignment, which will involve them using their creative side. I would have them create a timeline of their life and identify their milestones. This will allow me to view their past as well as see their aspirations for the future. The next assignment would involve my students developing a tree. Resources permitting, I would allow my students to digitally design their tree using an iPad or a computer. Taking the information from their timeline and placing it on a tree. Their earliest memories would be categorized as the roots and written at the root of the tree. The trunk will represent them growing older. The branches will represent their prominent memories in which forms their identity. The leaves will represent their interest and things they are involved in such as sports or clubs.>