Cultural pessimism

Cultural pessimism

Read “Melancholic and Hungry Games: Post 9/11 Cinema and the Culture of Apocalypse” by Matthew Leggatt.

Then watch Mad Max: Fury Road (directed by George Miller, 2015).

Finally, write a critique in which you determine whether Mad Max: Fury Road belongs to the genre of the post 9/11 apocalypse film, as outlined by Leggatt. Pay attention, in particular, to Leggatt’s claim that post 9/11 apocalypse films respond to a “cultural pessimism”; does Mad Max: Fury Road have a similarly pessimistic view of the future?

Cultural pessimism

Sample Solution


owards the perceived sources of  Cultural pessimism interference or displaced to another object. Thus some students joined cult to get over the frustration they encountered because of broken home. 3.Societal Decadence; Ogunbameru (1997) lamented that the Nigerian society has willingly or Unwillingly provided an enabling environment for all forms of crimes among which is the proble Cultural pessimism m of campus secret cult. Mgbekem (2005) also lamented that youths nowadays imbibed in immoral values instead of inculcating moral and decent values .The youth see or feel no qualms in joining secret cult. Okeowo(1994) also linked youth’s propensity to join cult to the general state of norm lessens existing in Nigeria. 4. Erosion of Education Standards; The economic downturn in the 1980s and early 1990s in the country encouraged corruption and erosion of standards in the educational system. Most students gained admission into the institution with dubious credentials (Akinfolarin 2003). Such students, because of their low self-image find solace in cultism in order to survive the academic rigors at all cost. For such students, to survive the academic system becomes a game of survival at all cost and as such they join cult groups to intimidate lecturers and the school authorities. 5.Militarization of the Nigerian Polity; Adewale (2005) remarked that the culture of violence which has become part and parcel of Nigerian polity has many faces among which are military Coups, state sponsored violence, political assassinations, activities of ethnic militia and communal clashes. The emergence of military coups in the Nigerian body polity marked the official introduction of violence as a way of resolving political conflicts. Ibukun (1999) also highlighted militarization of the Nigerian polity for decades as a factor for cultism in Nigerian Tertiary institutions. While the happenings in the institution are an offshoot of the larger society, violence became pressed into the psyche  Cultural pessimism of  Cultural pessimism an average Nigerian. Poor economic prospects that accompany democratic governance in Nigeria seem to make cultism an attractive option for youths. Besides, efforts by some power-drunk politicians to gain power at all cost, make them to train or recruit members as things in order to suppress their political opponents. Other reasons for cultism in tertiary institutions include lack of recreational facilities, decay in social life and increasing materialism of the society (Omoegun and Akanle 2007); lack of virile students union, erosion of traditional academic culture (Ade Cultural pessimism wale 2005); quest for power, status and protection (Okwu 2006); the desire to hold elective posts in the students’ union and the desire for security (Ajayi and Ayodele 2002). 3.2.7 Effects of Cultism in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions The attendant effect of cultism on the learning process cannot be exhausted as both intra and inter- cult clashes negatively affect the students in a very high proportion. It sometimes leads to incarceration,  Cultural pessimism rustication or expulsion of both innocent and student members (Opaluwah 2009). A lot of lives and properties have been destroyed through cult violence (Mgbekem 2004).Young undergraduates who are supposed to be leaders in future have fallen victims of trigger happy cultists (Jamiu 2008).Our youth pop>

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