As a mental health worker, it is important for you to know how to examine the various cultural dynamics within greater culture and be able to explain specific cultural implications when working with various populations. This assignment will assist you in learning these concepts.
First, select a family system from the list below:
Same-sex mixed race family
As a mental health worker, you will create a brochure resource guide for your selected family system. Use the SAMHSA website and your state resources to assist you.
Address the following topics in your brochure:
Describe the needs of this particular population.
Explain the various culture dynamics that a family in this population deals with. Using the SAMHSA website, provide resources for the family to refer to in order to meet their needs. What challenges will this family system meet?
Describe the culture and subculture of the selected family system. Provide local community programs that your selected family system can use to meet their needs.

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