Formulate a crisis communication plan for a local, state or federal municipality or public safety department. The material necessary to complete this
assignment is available in the assigned text. However, outside research will compliment your paper and produce a higher grade. Do not OVERUSE bullet
points without supporting explanation and DO NOT copy task by task from the final chapter and appendices.
The Final Project Paper is to be submitted in the following format or organization:
i. Cover Page to include the Course Title and Number, Your Name, Title of Final Paper, Professorâs Name, and Date
ii. Acknowledgment of own original work certification statement.
iii. Table of Contents
Page 1 Introduction. Similar to an executive summary, outline the organizations involved and their respective missions related to public safety. Bullet points
may be useful, but only in addition to narrative writing.
Pages 2-5 Purpose and Objectives, Key Publics and Notifying Key Publics. Define the foundational policies that establish the crisis communication plan.
Describe publics and stakeholders and ways in which they will be notified. Include communicating and assisting special needs populations.
Pages 6-9 Team, Directory, and Spokesperson. Explain the crisis communication team selection and assigned duties. Detail the media spokesperson, the
establishment of an incident command center, and interagency collaboration.
Pages 10-11 Media Selection and Use. Distinguish between the news media outlets of print, radio, television, internet, and electronic medias. Explain ways in
which information will be shared via each medium.
Page 12 Continuity Principles. How will the organization plan to return to âbusiness as usualâ? Include ways the media and technology will be used.
Final Page: References. Your statements are to be supported by a reference. Unless a particular portion of the paper request your opinion be cautious when
stating your opinion in the first person or using terms suggesting absolute facts. Anything of this nature requires support by reference. APA format is
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