The purpose of this Critical Process ‘

exercise is to sharpen your analytical approach to news. Over a period of three

weekdays, study the New York Times. USA Today, and any local daily paper. Devise

a chart and a descriptive scheme so that you can compare how each of the three

Papers covers international news. You should consider international news to be any

news story that is predominantly about another country or about another nation’s

relationship with the United States. You may include the sports section of the papers.

Follow these steps as you work on your project: 1. Description. Count the total

humber of international news stories in each paper. Which foreign cities are

covered? Which countries? What are the subjects of these stories (civil wars, anti-

Americanism, natural disasters, travelogue profiles, etc.)? 2. Analysis. Using your

chart as a guide, write two or three paragraphs discussing patterns that emerge.

What locales get the most attention? What kinds of stories appear most frequently?

In other words, what kind of issue or event makes another country newsworthy? Do

not try to summarize your entire chart here. Instead, focus on three or four intriguing

patterns that you noticed. 3. interpretation. Write a two- or three-paragraph critical

interpretation of your findings. What does your analysis mean? Why do you think

some countries appear more frequently than others? Why might certain kinds of

stories seem to get featured? 4. Evaluation. Discuss the limitations of your study.

Which paper seemed to do the best/worst job of covering the rest of the world?

Why? Do you think newspapers give us enough information about other people’s

cultures and experiences? Do local papers have the same obligation to cover

international news as the NYT or USA Today? 5. Engagement. Considering the

strengths and weaknesses of the local paper’s coverage of intemational news and

other cultures, write a letter to the editor of the local paper you chose to study over

the three day period mentioning what the paper does well in coverage of

international news. and suggest what the paper might do better. You do not have to

submit it for publication, but you should include it as part of this project.

Sample Solution

Ensuring the earth has consistently been one of the top needs of numerous nations nowadays. Notwithstanding, much to our dismay that not exclusively are plastic sacks and different sorts of family unit squander the principle hotspots for contamination; there is another kind of waste, electronic waste (or e-squander), that is quickly expanding each year because of the simple access and across the board advancements in innovation. Since e-squander is viewed as another term to the overall population, it doesn’t get a great deal of consideration and is as often as possible neglected; in any case, the monetary and natural harm it brings is shockingly extreme. This article will additionally talk about the reason for e-squander just as address the negative impacts that originate from it. For what reason does e-squander increment so quickly? Material fulfillment is accepted to assume a significant job in the motivation behind why e-squander is created comprehensively and in enormous sums. Individuals every now an>

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