We can work on Consider the symbolic meaning of the wool shirt in Romeo’s Shirt (p. 290-5). Compare this symbolism with something in your life.

Consider the symbolic meaning of the wool shirt in Romeo’s Shirt (p. 290-5). Compare this symbolism with something in your life.

Write your symbolism essay according to the following requirements

·                Compose a five paragraph paper with a clear introduction (including thesis statement), body, and conclusion

·                Paper must be 450 words minimum and meet the posted essay rubric expectations

·                Follow the MLA formatting guidelines (Hacker, pp. 462-470)

·                Use MLA citation format (Hacker, pp. 399-463)

·                Research is required 

·                Include a Works Cited page (not included in word count) (Hacker, p. 470)

·                Refer to the sample essay in MLA format (Hacker, pp. 465-469)

I have to turn it in to turnitin.com so no plagerism. 

I need it by Sunday Feb 25 @ 2:00 pm

“A” and “B” essays must exhibit quality sentence structure and variety, evidence of synthesized information based on critical thinking. A sense of the writer is found in the essay.

Files: Thesis and Outline 2.docx

Consider the symbolic meaning of the wool shirt in Romeo’s Shirt (p. 290-5). Compare this symbolism with something in your life.

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