Comparison of research articles

Comparison of research articles

Choose two research articles published by a scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal on a current health care issue in the United States, controversial or otheRvise.

Suggested topics may include: -A study of vaccinations and autism rates -tvlaternal health, fetal health, or elder health -The increasing rates of cesarean sections in birthrates (please use one of these topics)
Part One
Complete the attached “Article Comparison Table” to compare the two articles in terms of content, research methods, the focus of the study, target audiences and subjects, and their possible impacts on the future of health care delivery.

Comparison of research articles

Sample Solution


pride, and womanhood with having a vulva. The march was filled with propaganda like this that only further white cisheteronormative ‘feminist’ messages in our patriarchal society. It is conceivable to believe many of the attendees that endorsed these white cisheteronormative messages had no ill-intent or consciousness behind their actions. This is foreseeable as many of these individuals are confronting direct mass discrimination for the first time as their privilege has guarded them from these experiences. Moreover, just like second-wave feminists, these individuals are most concerned with how their gender interacts within patriarchal society hence their single-issue lens on many topics. However, intersectionalism, a central tenet of modern-day feminism, states that various forms of social stratification do not exist separately from one another but interact in a compound manner (Brewer & Dundes, 50). This is the key aspect that separates apart the objectives of white feminists that do not see or advocate beyond their own privilege and more marginalized folks. It is extremely important for white feminists to understand th Comparison of research articles at they are “both oppressed and the oppressor” (Brewer & Dundes, 50-52). If this was fully understood and embraced, then more marginalized individuals would have had more of a platform and influence during the Women’s March. Perhaps then the protest would have then encapsulated a more pertinent discussion regarding the needs and rights of the most marginalized individuals in our society rather than the comradery brought about through pussy hats. The 2017 Women’s March on Washington was revolutionary as millions of individuals stood up against remarks, policies, and ideals that they saw as unjust and wron Comparison of research articles g. Millions marched in solidarity across the United States and globe against sexism, misogyny, homophobia, racism, and bigotry which is a powerful response to the election of the President, and the implication or threat of implication of unjust policies and legislation. However, the march acted as a microcosm of the same society its protesting by prioritizing the voice of the privileged and whitewashing to movement while further silencing the most marginalized individuals and communities. As explained, the Women’s March on Washington gradually aband Comparison of research articles oned intersectional beliefs as the movement grew adopted many ideals and beliefs set forth by second-wave feminism.>

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