Comparative Politics Essay

Comparative Politics Essay.

1- Discuss the relationship between a state’s level of autonomy (ability/power to act independently) and the quality of its democracy.
2- There is a relationship between political culture and political developments. Discuss.
3- Do economic openness and rising inequalities necessarily go together? Why or why not?
4 – What explains the rise of protectionism?
5- What is the right balance between democracy, national sovereignty and global economic integration? Why?
6- Are markets fair, either via a harmony of interest or “law of the jungle” rationale? Why or why not?
7- Why is there opposition to free trade?
8- Should the state steer the process of economic development, or should market forces be given center stage? Why?
9- Should democracies rely more on public initiatives or referendum to decide policy, or are forms of indirect democracy better? Why or why not?
10- Economic development leads to democracy. Discuss.
11- Can Asian development experiences be exported to other regions of the world? Why or why not?
12- Is the Chinese model sustainable? Why or why not?

Comparative Politics Essay




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