1.) Using the example of Broadmoor, Louisiana, (Morse, p 85-87), explain (with specifics) how the “three Ps” of collaboration – Purpose, People, and Process must all be present in a successful community collaboration.
2.) Explain the role that stakeholders play in a collaborative effort. As a leader of a COMMUNITY-BASED collaboration, how would you assure that all stakeholders are represented?
3.) Businesses, nonprofits and even government entities are moving away from command and control management. How does this trend affect the role leaders must play in an increasingly collaborative world?
4.) You are Chef Collaboration Officer for Ginormous Toy Corporation, a publicly traded, U.S.-based company that sells toys under its own brand and distributes its own and other brands through a network of some 250 retail stores in the United States. It also has a second brand and retail network for baby goods (toys, furniture, clothing). Two years ago, the company went through a public-relations crisis when toys it purchased from China were found to have lead paint. It was fined by the U.S. government and told to do a costly recall. It has since instituted a rigorous program with new policies and procedures plus inspections and upgrades of its supplier network to prevent future problems in this area. Recent reports monitored by outside organizations show that this initiative is having a positive affect on performance; there have been no new instances of lead paint in the company’s toys.
You have been approached by The National Autism Coalition (NAC) to form a collaboration, which they suggest would use the equity and good will of both organizations to benefit them both.
NAC is one of the largest nonprofits operating in the autism space. It was founded by a group of volunteer parents of children with autism spectrum disorders ten years ago, but is now a professionally managed, well-funded organization. Among its fund-raising actions is a series of Autism Walkathons each April during National Autism Month. NAC funds research into causes and treatment of autism, and recently merged with another organization serving the population. In addition to research and public education, NAC has a very active lobbying initiative that seeks government recognition at state and federal levels for the cause, additional government funding for research into treatments and cures, and special funds for educating autistic children in the public schools. About five years ago, the organization had been very vocal in supporting the theory that childhood vaccines are one of the triggers for autism. However, it has since changed its view when well-respected research failed to prove any link, and the researcher who first raised the alarm was found to have used fraudulently developed data in his original articles, forcing the medical journal that published his studies to retract its endorsement. (Note: NAC was not a funder or in any other way involved in this research). NAC has put out definitive statements regarding its belief that the link is, indeed, not true.
You are going to make a presentation to the CEO on whether Ginormous Toy should collaborate with NAC. In preparing for this, you have read the article by Berger, et al, on Social Alliances between companies and nonprofit organizations, and other readings on collaboration leadership.
Your response should outline your presentation, and should include the following:
Describe what you believe to be the three biggest predictable problems such an alliance would face?
Describe three potential areas of fit that might suggest a workable alliance; also what areas might the fit not be there and work against success.

Sample Solution
their placed really with the aid of transferring their bodies we have been capable of create characters. All performances are pushed by way of some thing whether the author who needs to Collaboration Leadership express an idea or view the message th Collaboration Leadership e direct needs to offer the target audience throw his path or the actors portrayal I accept as true with this will all only be finished via having a story structure on the heart of a performance. Any successful overall performance have to aim to inform or make the target audience feel something otherwise what will be the point in its introduction. I trust that so as to try this it should have a narrative structure as this is a easy manner of attractive the target audience and keeping their attention as the Collaboration Leadership reâs a clean story to follow. Many remarkable plays writes this type of Shakespeare would in no way were capable of create there works without using narrative struc Collaboration Leadership ture .you can make a overall performance as abstract as you want however unless you inform a tale give a plot line it’ll be tremendously tough to understand. The narrative shape of a bit supply a performance a skeleton and the whole thing else can observe after due to the fact your simple tale is already set out even performs which can be in non-chronological order follow a story structure the collection of occasions are simply in a exceptional series the tale stays the equal. without movement nothing can be in realit Collaboration Leadership y appeared as a overall performance even singers circulate when they’re appearing a songs a way of adding emotion and attractive there target market to pay attention to them. Of route a play can be performed with out movement and it could rely entirely on textual content however that is dull no one need to visit the theatre and absolutely watch someone communicate for 2 hours state .physicalizing and expressing via the frame can absolutely exchange a chunk along side its which means. Even subtle actions can be key to growing a experience of individual or theme gestures are just any other manner of making motion. throughout training we explored using movement and look at ensemble as a way of making movement as an entire class we discover this via an exercise referred to as strolling around the distance for this exercising as a class collective we start to walk around the room in time with one another . our lecture then known as out some states of being along with a shift in tempo, heaviness, lightness, preventing turning into as large as you could t Collaboration Leadership en as small as you could , then getting as tight to one another as physically viable and then as far faraway from every ot Collaboration Leadership her as possible we then advanced this in addition by looking to forestall moving and start transferring collectively however this changed into with out searching at any member within the organization this turned into Incre>
their placed really with the aid of transferring their bodies we have been capable of create characters. All performances are pushed by way of some thing whether the author who needs to express an idea or view the message the direct needs to offer the target audience throw his path or the actors portrayal I accept as true with thi Collaboration Leadership s will all only be finished via having a story structure on the heart of a pe Collaboration Leadership rformance. Any successful overall performance have to aim to inform or make the target audience feel something otherwise what will be the point in its introduction. I trust that so as to try this it should have a narrative structure as this is a easy manner of attractive the target audience and keeping their attention as thereâs a clean story to follow. Many remarkable plays writes this type of Shakespeare would in no way were capable of create there works without using narrative structure .you can make a overall performance as abstract as you want however unless you inform a tale give a plot line Collaboration Leadership it’ll be tremendously tough to understand. The narrat Collaboration Leadership ive shape of a bit supply a performance a skeleton and the whole thing else can observe after due to the fact your simple Collaboration Leadership tale is already set out even performs which can be in non-chronological order follow a story structure the collection of occasions are simply in a exceptional series the tale stays the equal. without movement nothing can be in reality appeared as a overall performance even singers circulate when they’re appearing a songs a way of adding emotion and attractive there target market to pay attention to them. Of route a play can be performed with out movement and it could rely enti Collaboration Leadership rely on textual content however that is dull no one need to visit the theatre and absolutely watch someone communicate for 2 hours state .physicalizing and expressing via the frame can absolutely exchange a chunk along side its which means. Even subtle actions can be key to growing a Collaboration Leadership ex Collaboration Leadership perience of individual or theme gestures are just any other manner of making motion. throughout training we explored using movemen Collaboration Leadership t and look at ensemble as a way of making movement as an entire class we discover this via an exercise referred to as strolling around the distance for this exercising as a class collective we start to walk around the room in time w Collaboration Leadership ith one another . our lecture then known as out some states of being along with a shift in tempo, heaviness, lightness, preventing turning into as large as you could ten as small as you could , then getting as tight to one another as physically viable and then as far faraway from every other as possib Collaboration Leadership le we then advanced this in addition by looking to forestall moving and start transferring collectively however this changed into with out searching at any member within the organization this turned into Incre>