Evaluate various published codes of ethics for viability and coherence.
Do some research and find a code of ethics published by some organization or company representing your chosen major. Then complete the attached worksheet: Be sure to answer all questions.

Sample Answer
Evaluating a Code of Ethics: ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice
Chosen Major: Software Engineering
Selected Code of Ethics: ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice
Evaluating the Code’s Viability and Coherence
The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice is a widely recognized and respected code of ethics for software engineers. It provides a comprehensive framework for ethical decision-making in the field of software engineering.
- Relevance: The code is highly relevant to the evolving field of software engineering, addressing issues such as privacy, security, and social impact.
- Clarity: The code is well-structured and easy to understand, with clear guidelines for ethical behavior.
- Enforceability: While the code itself is not legally binding, it can be used as a basis for professional disciplinary actions and ethical investigations.
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