Comparative Religion Grid
1. The Basics
Category or Question Catholicism Eastern Orthodox Protestant
Founder or founders Jesus Christ Ottoman Turkish Martin Luther
Description of God Almighty and creator of heaven and Earth Almighty and creator of heaven and Earth Almighty and creator of heaven and Earth
Message of the religion in one sentence Live a righteous life according to the teachings of Jesus Live a righteous life according to the teachings of Jesus Live a righteous life according to the teachings of Jesus
Number of world followers 1.2 billion 220 million 800 million
Geographic distribution Popular across the world but mainly located in Europe, Africa, and Latin America Mainly located in Russia, Lebanon, and East Africa Mainly located in Africa, North and South America, and Australia
One image that captures the essence of the religion Crucifix The cross The cross
2. History and Development
Category or Question Catholicism Eastern orthodox Protestant
Where and when did it originate? 1st century in Judea 1st century in the Roman empire 16th century in Germany
Identify any schisms or splits. Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox None Independent churches
Identify two key historical figures. St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Martin Luther and John Calvin
Identify two key historical events. Easter and Pentecost Easter and Christmas Christmas and Easter
Describe historical relations with the two other religions. The Catholic Church Split into Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholics The Eastern Orthodox was parented by the Catholic Church. The Protestants were parented by the Roman Catholics in the reformation period.
3. Sense of the Sacred
Category or Question Catholicism Eastern orthodox Protestant
Sacred text/book and how it is divided Catholic Bible with old and new testament The Bible with old and new testament The Bible with old and new testament
Sacred scripture (two key quotations) Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Deuteronomy 4:35
Verse Concepts
To you it was shown that you might know that the Lord, He is God; there is no other besides Him.
Job 38:4
Verse Concepts
“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell Me, if you have understanding,
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
Roman 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
One key sacred symbol crucifix Ichthys Cross
What sacred places of worship are called Vatican, Rome Jerusalem Jerusalem
Sacred places: two key specific sites Vatican, Jerusalem Jerusalem, Antioch Jerusalem, Nazareth
Sacred officials and who qualifies Pope Ecumenical Patriarch Ministers
Role of the laity Living righteously
Balancing life and religion Pursuing the kingdom of God by emulating Jesus’s life
Sacred times: two important holy days Lent, Christmas Lent, Easter Christmas, Easter
Sacred day weekly Sunday Sunday Sunday
Sacred ritual: weekly Lent Lent
Number of sacraments Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion
Sacrament of initiation Baptism Baptism Confirmation
Sacred objects Crucifix
Crucifix Cross
4. Theology (Beliefs)
Category or Question Catholicism Eastern orthodox Protestant
Three central teachings God exists
God has an interest in humans
One is accountable for their sins after death God revealed himself in Jesus Christ
Jesus rose from the Dead
Man should worship god throughout their life Jesus saved man by dying for his sins
Heaven is for those who live a righteous life
The role of man in life is to praise and worship God
Nature of the divine There are saints who intercede in man’s relationship with God
Angels look after man
The Holy trinity exists There are saints who intercede in man’s relationship with God
Angels look after man
The Holy trinity exists The holy trinity exists
Angels look after man
Is there a central sacred story that is the most important one? Creation story Creation story Creation story and the life of Jesus Christ
Creation story God Created the Heaven and Earth in 7 days and gave man the authority to manage it while worshipping him God Created the Heaven and Earth in 7 days and gave man the authority to manage it while worshipping him God Created the Heaven and Earth in 7 days and gave man the authority to manage it while worshipping him
Belief in afterlife Yes Yes Yes
Problem of evil Evil will bring suffering after death Evil will bring suffering after death Evil will lead people to hell after death
Violence and non-violence Emphasis on non-violence Emphasis on non-violence Emphasis on non-violence
Belief in Martyrs? Provide example. Yes: Justin Martyr Yes: St. George Yes: Thomas Hitton
Is there a messiah figure? Explain. Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ
Is it a universal or local religion? Explain. Universal Universal Universal
A theological issue of debate currently Should priests marry? Are the rituals in the church biblical? Should gay marriage be allowed?
Belief in Apostolic succession The Pope is succeeded by anointed and appointed leader The Succession of the leaders is after death and all men are equal The succession process is on a qualification basis
Presence of Christ in Eucharist and who may receive it Confirmed Christians only Confirmed Christians only Confirmed Christians only
Role of Mary Holy Mother Holy Mother Mother of Jesus Christ
Authority of Pope Uniting all the followers None None
5. Social Issues Beliefs and Engagement
Category or Question Catholicism Eastern orthodox Protestant
Social justice work Catholic church is involved in many charitable initiatives, including setting up community hospitals Orthodox church sets up community facilities for the community Protestant churches have many charitable activities in the community
Gender beliefs Patriarchal system Patriarchal system Equality emphasized
Beliefs regarding homosexuality Unacceptable sin Unacceptable sin Some churches approve of it
Care of environment It is the role of man to care for the environment Man should balance life and ensure he is kind to the environment Conservation of the environment is a primary virtue
Searching for common ground with other religions -ecumenism and inter-faith Tolerance to diversity is prioritized Tolerance to diversity in religious beliefs is emphasized Lack of tolerance is highlighted
Contemporary controversies Sexual abuse controversies. Cultism controversies Lack of tolerance to sexual orientation diversity.
6. References
Molloy, M., & Achebe, C. (2009). Experiencing the World’s Religions. Mc Graw Hill.
7. Concluding Thoughts
Write 300-500 words assessing what you learned through this exercise and how it impacts your own religious views or your professional experience.
There is a clear indication that there are fundamental differences in the beliefs between the members of the three religions. However, there are similarities in the religions that could be attributed to the fact that there all originated from the first Catholic church. The Eastern Orthodox church split from the original Catholic Church, and protestants churches are a product of the reformation period which saw members of the Roman Catholic church rebelling to develop Protestantism and the associated churches. The three religions are distributed across the world, and the members share beliefs that incline toward living a righteous life and believing in the Holy Trinity. The analysis of the religions reveals that the fundamental doctrines of Christianity are present in the respective groups.
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