Changing, or even stating, a companyâs values can be a long and arduous process, but it often pales in comparison to the effort it takes to make sure they are honored, implemented and projected. In this assignment, you evaluate how well your chosen company from the first assignment has done in âwalking the talkâ and responding to a social issue.
Review your chosen companyâs mission and values statements as well as other sources that provide insight into the companyâs values with regard to social responsibility. Pick two of their primary values and research how the company manifests those values. Simple examples might be the commitment to workplace diversity or ecological sustainability.
Create a 3â5-minute (approximately 6â8 slides) PowerPoint presentation that evaluates how well the company embodies its issue-related values. Your presentation should contain detailed speakerâs notes that flesh out and support main points, ideas, or conclusions and have supporting citations.
Summarize your chosen company’s Supplier Responsibility information.
In your own words, explain how each aspect of your Supplier Code of Conduct is committed to ethical business practices and social responsibility.
- Discuss your company’s stance on each of the following areas:
Empowering Workers.
Labor and Human Rights.
Health and Safety.
The Environment.
- Identify the key ways that your company’s Code of Conduct has changed since last year.
- Examine the manner in which your company’s Supplier Code of Conduct helps the organization operate as a socially responsible organization.

Sample Answer
here are some tips on how to become more aware of your nonverbal presentation when working with a client:
- Pay attention to your own body language. When you are interacting with a client, take a moment to check in with yourself and see how you are positioned. Are you making eye contact? Are your arms crossed? Are you fidgeting?
- Be aware of the context. The way you position your body will vary depending on the situation. For example, if you are in a formal setting, you will likely want to adopt a more formal body language.
- Be mindful of the other person’s body language. Pay attention to how the other person is positioned and how they are reacting to your body language. This can help you to adjust your own body language accordingly.
- Practice makes perfect. The more you pay attention to your body language, the more aware you will become of it. With time and practice, you will be able to use your body language to communicate effectively with your clients.
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