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8. Appendices: Questionnaire
1) Demographic Characteristics of the firms
a) What is the ownership status of your firm?
i) Fully locally owned
ii) Fully Foreign-owned
iii) Foreign and locally owned
b) What is the Scope of the Market by your firm?
i) Local
ii) National
iii) Global
c)What does your firm manufacture?
iii) Electrical and electronics
iv) Metal
v) Beverage
vi) Papers
vii) Fertilizers
d) How many years has your firm been operating?
iv) Less than 20 years
v) 20-40 years
vi) 40-60 years
vii) 60-80 years
viii) 80 and above years
e) How many full-time employees are in your company?
i) Less than 100
ii) 100 to 200 employees
iii) 200 to 300 employees
iv) 300 and above employees
2. Green Supply Management of the Firm
a) What is the green procurement service(s) of your firm?
i) Corporate with suppliers to attain the environmental objective
ii) Co-labeling of products
iii) Purchase products with biodegradable packaging or recycling
iv) Purchase Energy-saving Equipment
v) Share knowledge on clean production technologies
b) What are the environmentally responsible design practices of your firm?
i) Design products that have a longer useful life
ii)Design products to promote the reuse of products
iii)Design products that promote renewable energy
c) What are the green manufacturing practices of your organization?
i)Training employees in safe production
ii) Use of recycled materials for production
iii) Use of standardized components to facilitate reuse
iv)Training employees for accident prevention
v)Use of controls and filters for harmful discharge and emissions
d) What is the green packaging practice(s) of your organization
i) Reduce the use of hazardous materials in packaging
ii) Use of biodegradable materials
iii)Use of life to evaluate environmental load
iv) Make efforts to find new reusable materials for packaging
v Ensure shape and material promote efficiency
e) What is the green distribution practice(s) for your organization?
i) Distribute products together
ii) Deliver products direct to the user
iii) Locate near customers to reduce the resource consumed
iv)Sell vehicles that have reached end-use time
f) What is your organizational performance?
i)Cash flow performance
ii)Profit after tax
iii)Return of sales
iv)Returns of investment
List of ISO 14001 Certified Companies in the U.S.A
1. Corporation
2. Communications Inc.
4. Parcel Service, Inc.
5. Motor Sales
6. Corporation
8. & Gamble Company
9. Pfizer Inc
10. Nestle USA
13. Microsoft Corporation
18. ACTech North America Inc.
19. Solmax
21. Shenzhen Increcare Biotech Co., Ltd
22. Electronic Recyclers International, Inc (ERI)
23. Lucideon Assurance (CICS Limited)
24. Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc.
25. Link-Belt Construction Equipment Company
27. Clark Material Handling Company (CMHC)
28. Verrico Associates
29. Alliant Corporation
30. LNI Swissgas
31. Trinity Consultants
32. California Electronic Asset Recovery, Inc.
33. IMSM Ltd
34. STS Electronic Recycling
35. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
37. Ergotron, Inc.
38. Wastecorp Pumps
39. Automatic Systems Inc (ASI)
41. Futurepast: Inc.
42. Toray Membrane Europe AG
43. SAI Global
45. Felite Resin Technology Co.,ltd
50. VELP Scientifica srl
51. Danco
52. Environment International LTD
53. Mostardi Platt Associates, Inc.
54. Evac E.U.R.L.
55. DTN
56. Tex Tech Industries, Inc.
57. GEOMET Technologies, LLC
58. Liberty Environmental, Inc.
59. Enhesa – Global EHS & Product Compliance Assurance
60. Gamma Meccanica SpA
61. Acro Technologies, Inc.
62. Armas Su Armaturleri San ve Tic AS
63. Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations
64. Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P.
65. TrisKem International SAS
66. NSF International Strategic Registrations, Ltd.
67. Asecos Safety and Environmental Protection Inc.
68. Power Partners, Inc.
69. Homeland Surveillance and Electronics (HSE)
70. IBERDROLA Engineering and Construction
71. Boart Longyear Inc.
73. Carbochem Inc.
74. 1cc GmbH
75. Image Microsystems
76. T. Cozzie Consulting Inc.
79. Mecasolar
80. LotusWorks Ltd.
84. IHS Markit
86. Cepex
87. ECR World Inc.
88. JT Environmental Consulting
89. Risktec Solutions
90. KBR, Inc
91. Intelex Technologies Inc.
92. Newstripe, Inc.
93. HSB Global Standards
94. TeleCycle, LLC
95. IDEX Health & Science
97. Cirba Solutions
98. IPL inc.
99. 3m company
100. Abbot laboratories
101. Caterpillar inc
102. Cisco systems
103. Dupont de Nemours
104. Fedex corpotation
105. Ford motor company
106. General electric company
107. Ibm corporation
108. Johnson controls, inc.
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