Theories traditionally utilized to deal with a disorder
Select a disorder or issue of interest to you in work with adults, elderly, or families. You may choose a selection based on what you chose in the previous course or any issue/population you are interested in exploring. Examples include depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, or family problems. Next, select a population that is disenfranchised or minority group. Examples include gay men, black women, or persons with a disability. You will now prepare a comprehensive research paper addressing the below criteria. This research paper should read like a journal article. It will be graded based on the thoroughness and analytic critique of the application of the theory to address the clinical issue and population you choose.
Briefly discuss the theories traditionally utilized to deal with the topic for the population you chose based on evidence-based practice.
Discuss what engagement methods you would use to build trust and provide effective treatment to the clients you have chosen.
Critically synthesize and analyze the primary theory utilized to treat the disorder you selected as applied to the population you selected.
Your analysis must include a review of at least three resources of the theory you selected and include a section on satisfaction of the therapy from the perspective of clients if it is available.
Offer at least two other possible alternative therapies to deal with this disorder rather than the therapy offered. Reference and cite support for the alternative ways from the literature and how an individual’s social justice might be impacted.
Draw conclusions from your analysis and critiques that will be useful to other professionals. Compose this section in a way that can also be shared with clients who are experiencing the issue or topic you selected.
Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Length: 10-12 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
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