1.For the amino acid glutamic acid,sketchon a single graphthe fraction protonated versus pH for all three ionizable groups. Your plot should contain three curves, onefor the carboxylategroup, one for the amino group, and one for the sidechain of Glu. You should assume the pKa values are 2.0 (main chain COOH), 4.0 (side chain) and 9.0 (main chain amino).
2.Proteins that regulate the expression of DNA in cells generally bind to the DNA by either hydrogen bonding, electrostatic (charge-charge) interactions, or both. These proteins contain a large number of lysine residues.
i) Explain how the presence of lysine residues would enhance the interaction (binding) of the protein to the DNA by both electrostatic and hydrogen bonding. Be sure to explicitly discuss how pH will affect the charge on the protein lysine residues and the DNA. Assume pH=7, the interaction is with the phosphate groups on DNA, and that the pKa of the lysine sidechain is 9 and the pKa of the phosphate group in DNA is 2.0. A partial structure of DNA is attached titled (DNA 2i).
ii) Mutations occur such that the some of the lysine residues on the protein are changed to glutamic acid. Predict how the DNA binding would change, would it get better, worse, or stay the same. Justify your answer
3.The structure of the drug thalidomide is attached titled (Drug 3)
i) Identify the chiral center on this molecule. Justify your answer .
ii) Because there are two forms of thalidomide (R and S), there may be different biological activities associate with each form. Briefly discuss what these may be .
iii) Why is it not possible to administer a pure enantiomer of thalidomide to avoid side-effects from the other enantiomer ?
4.A peptide (i.e. small protein) contains 10 amino acids. How many different peptides can exist that are 10 amino acids long? You can assume that an amino acid can be used more than once.
- For the tripeptide Ala-Thr-Gly:
i) Draw the chemical structure of a tripeptide. Your drawing should be appropriate for a pH=7.0.
Include all of the hydrogens, including those on carbon.
ii) Indicate all chiral centers on your diagram .
iii) Draw one water molecule donating a hydrogen bond to a main chain atom.
A picture of a small protein is attached titled (small protien), answer the following questions based on this picture:
i) Give the primary structure (amino acid sequence of the protein, N to C).
ii) Would you expect this short peptide to be highly soluble in water, partially soluble, or slightly soluble in water. Briefly justify your answer with reference to the amino acid side chains and the type of interaction the side chains would have with water.
Sample Solution
Nearby people group ought to conform to government laws and residential guidelines. However long they meet the necessities of these chances, everybody has equivalent open doors for a mind-blowing duration. Individuals who are qualified and put forth a valiant effort for the network lead the network. Society depends on choice, except if rules are watched and nobody is harmed. Rules and guidelines are intended to ensure individuals of the general public so as to fabricate a protected and agreeable network. There are two essential kinds of network networks, networks characterized by topographically characterized networks and geologically various factors. Instances of geologically characterized networks are networks or local locations. The assembled houses share a typical space. Nearby economies and local organizations are likewise viewed as a feature of the neighboring network. Individuals from the network are invested individuals in network wellbeing, and I am keen on this What is a network? Parker characterizes the network as individuals who share a typical space or area, share a typical relationship, interface with one another, and are generally utilized in the writing (Fritz, 1985). The people group comprises of shared commitments and collaborations connecting people to foundations and relationship systems. In most geological networks, there is a typical association and a pretty much free network. Schools, law implementation offices, and social government assistance offices are three instances of formal associations inside the network that are especially significant for substance misuse. Guardians and understudy associations vary in structure, regular to most networks, and can assume a significant part in forestalling drug misuse. Local gatherings and individuals from the association cooperate to make, characterize, and take care of social issues by collaborating with one another.VInitially, socialism appeared to be an ideal for Russian residents. The translation of Lenin’s own Marxist scrutinize should initially be a communist despot so as to accomplish socialism. Start things out to smother complaints and fights. Through obligatory measures, the new government got power and in 1917 Lenin took power. Subjects that can improve the administration’s profession include: open talking, news coverage, relational correspondence, media framework presentation, correspondence hypothesis, correspondence research technique, hierarchical correspondence, conversation and conversation, manner of speaking hypothesis and analysis , Political correspondence, influence, media execution, tuning in, correspondence morals, execution research, execution. The connection among computerization and correspondence has gotten the subject of broad exploration by correspondence specialists. Numerous media communications offices offer specialization in data science, human data hypothesis and cycles or correspondence advancements, which frequently incorporate PCs, packed video, and interchanges through telephone calls. Correspondence is wherever in the improvement cycle. Correspondence incorporates broad communications, media communications, data and correspondence innovation (ICT), composed relational correspondence, and all the assets that society uses to make data stream. Its motivation is to urge individuals to give data, teach, convince, engage, inspire, and advance social changes that add to the improvement of the nation. As per Fraser and Restrepo – Estrada (2001), it states as follows. Correspondence is a basic aspect of the advancement plan from the start, distinguishing issues and needs, and assuming a significant part in point by point measures. Assessment … Correspondence requires clear objectives, recognizable proof of different subjects, cautious data plan, and checking and input. ” Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University Procedures for network based sociological practice are examined. With regards to social development of reasonable speculations, the part of sociologists in helping networks comprehend social issues has been investigated. When the network acknowledges adolescents ‘substance misuse issues, the hypothesis of control and partners’ affiliation can lead sociologists who wish to work with nearby pioneers to battle drug misuse. Network association, reinforce the association among guardians and different gatherings, bring down the network’s capacity to bear drug misuse, assemble uphold for peer counteraction Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University>
Nearby people group ought to conform to government laws and residential guidelines. However long they meet the necessities of these chances, everybody has equivalent open doors for a mind-blowing duration. Individuals who are qualified and put forth a valiant effort for the network lead the network. Society depends on choice, except if rules are watched and nobody is harmed. Rules and guidelines are intended to ensure individuals of the general public so as to fabricate a protected and agreeable network. There are two essential kinds of network networks, networks characterized by topographically characterized networks and geologically various factors. Instances of geologically characterized networks are networks or local locations. The assembled houses share a typical space. Nearby economies and local organizations are likewise viewed as a feature of the neighboring network. Individuals from the network are invested individuals in network wellbeing, and I am keen on this What is a network? Parker characterizes the network as individuals who share a typical space or area, share a typical relationship, interface with one another, and are generally utilized in the writing (Fritz, 1985). The people group comprises of shared commitments and collaborations connecting people to foundations and relationship systems. In most geological networks, there is a typical association and a pretty much free network. Schools, law implementation offices, and social government assistance offices are three instances of formal associations inside the network that are especially significant for substance misuse. Guardians and understudy associations vary in structure, regular to most networks, and can assume a significant part in forestalling drug misuse. Local gatherings and individuals from the association cooperate to make, characterize, and take care of social issues by collaborating with one another.VInitially, socialism appeared to be an ideal for Russian residents. The translation of Lenin’s own Marxist scrutinize should initially be a communist despot so as to accomplish socialism. Start things out to smother complaints and fights. Through obligatory measures, the new government got power and in 1917 Lenin took power. Subjects that can improve the administration’s profession include: open talking, news coverage, relational correspondence, media framework presentation, correspondence hypothesis, correspondence research technique, hierarchical correspondence, conversation and conversation, manner of speaking hypothesis and analysis , Political correspondence, influence, media execution, tuning in, correspondence morals, execution research, execution. The connection among computerization and correspondence has gotten the subject of broad exploration by correspondence specialists. Numerous media communications offices offer specialization in data science, human data hypothesis and cycles or correspondence advancements, which frequently incorporate PCs, packed video, and interchanges through telephone calls. Correspondence is wherever in the improvement cycle. Correspondence incorporates broad communications, media communications, data and correspondence innovation (ICT), composed relational correspondence, and all the assets that society uses to make data stream. Its motivation is to urge individuals to give data, teach, convince, engage, inspire, and advance social changes that add to the improvement of the nation. As per Fraser and Restrepo – Estrada (2001), it states as follows. Correspondence is a basic aspect of the advancement plan from the start, distinguishing issues and needs, and assuming a significant part in point by point measures. Assessment … Correspondence requires clear objectives, recognizable proof of different subjects, cautious data plan, and checking and input. ” Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University Procedures for network based sociological practice are examined. With regards to social development of reasonable speculations, the part of sociologists in helping networks comprehend social issues has been investigated. When the network acknowledges adolescents ‘substance misuse issues, the hypothesis of control and partners’ affiliation can lead sociologists who wish to work with nearby pioneers to battle drug misuse. Network association, reinforce the association among guardians and different gatherings, bring down the network’s capacity to bear drug misuse, assemble uphold for peer counteraction Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University>