BIBL 104 Quiz 4 Answers

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BIBL 104 Quiz 4
The book of Isaiah opens with seven sermons that serve as a thematic introduction to the book.
Zephaniah began his ministry at approximately the same time as Ezekiel.
The possibility that the Lord might show mercy to the Assyrians was why Jonah refused to go to the city in the first place.
In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as a banner of love.
The Immanuel prophecy depicts one whose government is from the throne of David.
Nahum delivered his messages during the reign of Josiah around the same time Daniel commenced his prophetic ministry.
Amos’ prophecies of judgment demanded a response because they were not absolute predictions of what must happen in the future as much as they were warnings of what would happen if Israel did not repent and change its ways.
The Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah makes clear that this is not a typical human child because he is described as a “Wonderful Counselor”
Daniel and his three friends were placed in a three-year training program to learn the language, literature, and the sciences of the Babylonians.
The Immanuel prophecy depicts one whose government is marked by grace and truth.
Amos concluded his prophecies of unrelenting judgment with a message of hope concerning Israel’s future restoration. God promised:
The Lord commissioned Isaiah as a prophet in the year of King Uzziah’s death.
Rather than rejoicing in his successful preaching mission and the salvation of the Ninevites, Jonah was angered that the Lord spared the city.
According to our textbook, the overall theme of Daniel is God’s sovereignty over the people of Israel and the nations of the world.
Matthew 8:17 quotes from Isa 53:4 (“He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases”) as evidence that Jesus is Isaiah’s suffering servant.
Haggai in tandem with ______________ challenged the postexilic community to resume the work of rebuilding the temple.
Habakkuk’s second question was:
Peter cites and quotes from Isa 53:4–5, 9, 11–12 (“He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth,” and “by his wounds you have been healed”) in 1 Peter 2:21-25 as evidence that Jesus is Isaiah’s suffering servant.
Edom was lifted up because of excessive pride. They believed their mountain fortresses made them invulnerable to enemy attack.
Amos concluded his prophecies of unrelenting judgment with a message of hope concerning Israel’s future restoration. God promised:
Lamentations 1–4 are acrostic poems.
Hosea charged Israel with three separate indictments. One of these indictments indicated that “They have broken the covenant; they were unfaithful to me there.” (Hos. 6:7)
Micah was a prophet in Judah and a contemporary of the prophet ________.
In Zechariah, the Lord promised that He would “return” to His people if they would “return” to Him.
In the final section of the book of Micah, God’s relationship to His people is presented as
The enormity of the temple rebuilding process, economic hardships, and opposition from the surrounding peoples stalled the project for sixteen months.
During an extravagant banquet Belshazzar desecrated the temple vessels taken from Jerusalem.
According to Micah, because the rich deprived the poor of their land, the Lord would now do the same to them.
Jeremiah’s two visits to the potter were prophetic sign acts that visualized how the covenantal relationship between the Lord and His people had reached a breaking point.
According to the textbook, Zephaniah’s ministry reminds us of the importance of preaching which confronts evil, calls for repentance, and leads to revival.
The book of Malachi is structured around disputations in which the Lord dialogues with His people in a series of questions and answers.
Ezekiel’s role as a Prophet is compared to the work of a “_____________.”
God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11 (“For I know the plans I have for you . . . to give you a future and a hope) addresses the impending exile and the future restoration of Judah because God loved His people with an eternal love.
God commanded Hosea to marry a promiscuous and unfaithful wife, who subsequently gave birth to three children with symbolic names. Both the woman and the children were metaphors of Israel’s covenant unfaithfulness toward the Lord. Israel had prostituted itself by turning away from the Lord and following other gods.
Zechariah called the people to repent and return to the Lord. Without true spiritual renewal on the people’s part, rebuilding the temple was useless.
In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as the bread of life.
In his second vision, Zechariah saw four horns crushed.
According to Micah, the Lord was angry that social injustice became common in Israel. He was worried this would soon spread to Judah.
Zechariah’s book can be divided up into eight visions, four messages, and two burdens.
The book of Ezekiel ends with a vision of an eschatological temple where God dwells with his people and a life-giving river flows out from this temple.
According to the textbook, Habakkuk’s interaction with God is a reminder that the life of faith often involves lament, complaint, and the pouring out of one’s honest emotions and feelings to God.
Haggai encouraged some of the older people who still remembered the glorious first temple and felt like giving up when they considered the inferiority of the new temple.
In Haggai’s final message the Lord promised to bless Zerubbabel who was the weak governor of Judah and a member of the house of David.
The book of Lamentations is an anonymous composition but early tradition identifies ___________ as the author of the book.
Eventually, King Nebuchadnezzar would go temporarily insane and behave in an animal-like manner.
The extended message of salvation at the center of the book of Micah, as well as the emphasis on salvation at the end of each section, reflects Micah’s focus on the hope of Israel’s future salvation.
Jeremiah told Judah that they would be able to resist the Babylonians. However, submission to Babylon was the only way Jerusalem would be spared from destruction.
In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as the coming conqueror.
Daniel was thrown into a lion’s den because he refused to stop praying.
The ultimate fulfillment of the Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah was the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, who was literally God incarnate and who would preserve the line of David forever.

— BIBL 104 Quiz 4 Answers —

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Proverbs concentrates primarily on lofty philosophical issues and matters often debated in theology.
There is no real sense of meaning and purpose to life without God.
Why is it important to note repetition when we observe it in Scripture?
The ultimate fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant is found in Jesus Christ.
In describing the enormity of Job’s losses, it would be accurate to say all of Job’s earthly possessions were taken from him. His servants and all his children were killed. Job was afflicted with painful sores from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.
What is the difference between an independent and dependent clause?
A proverb is a short poetic sentence conveying wisdom in a concise and memorable form.
While the focus of the royal psalms is the human Davidic king, the theme of the kingship (or enthronement) psalms is
What indications does the text give that the writer of Ecclesiastes is Solomon?
Israel’s initial desire for a king was wrongly motivated.
The book of Job is comprised primarily of poetic dialogue.
The key elements of a lament include:
At least twenty-five of the 116 quotations from Psalms predictively refer to Christ, the anointed messianic King.
Why did God allow such events to happen to Job?
What was wrong with the advice of Job’s three friends?
Cause and effect is a structural element that states a cause and subsequent effect; or the reverse, effect is presented before the cause is identified.
The Psalms reflect the passion of the true worshipper and express the full range of human emotions as we enter into God’s presence and seek His help for daily living.
How are questions used in the Scripture as a method of communicating importance or meaning?
According to our text, none of God’s promises to Abraham’s descendants were ever fulfilled.
How was Elihu’s perspective different and unique?

The Psalms reflect the passion of the true worshipper and express the full range of human emotions as we enter into God’s presence and seek His help for daily living.
As a result of all these tragedies, Job’s wife loses faith and turns her back on God.
Hayes and Duvall advocate interpreting Psalms in the same fashion as you would Romans.
Proverbs concentrates primarily on lofty philosophical issues and matters often debated in theology.
At least twenty‐five of the 116 quotations from Psalms predictively refer to Christ, the anointed messianic King.
Hebrew poetry is characterized by terseness, a high degree of structure, and figurative imagery.
There is no real sense of meaning and purpose to life without God.
How is the Hebrew term hevel (“meaningless,” “vapor,” or “futility”) used throughout the book?
In describing the enormity of Job’s losses, it would be accurate to say all of Job’s earthly possessions were taken from him. His servants and all his children were killed. Job was afflicted with painful sores from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.
What indications does the text give that the writer of Ecclesiastes is Solomon?
According to Hayes and Duvall it is not important to observe the emotional dimension of the psalms.
The book of Job is comprised primarily of poetic dialogue; only the first two chapters and the last chapter are narrative.
While the focus of the royal psalms is the human Davidic king, the theme of the kingship (or enthronement) psalms is.
The key elements of a lament include:
A proverb is a short poetic sentence conveying wisdom in a concise and memorable form.
What practical matters are addressed in the book of Proverbs?
What was wrong with the advice of Job’s three friends?
How was Elihu’s perspective different and unique?
When God finally responds to Job (38:1 – 41:34), a dialogue takes place where Job asks God questions regarding suffering, and God replies with the answers.
In many ways, Proverbs serves as a teacher’s manual for teaching biblical principles of success, prosperity, and godly living.

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BIBL 104 Quiz 4 Answers

BIBL 104 Quiz 4 Answers

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