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what are your thoughts and views on student #1 and student #2 views and thoughts about the ted talk video on achieving a grand convergence in global health by 2035?

VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a62SPAhcnG8&index=2&list=PLHtLF5qGJCmU7NuBGTOvYFcImzoOC5NR1


This TEDx Video was very informative on global health by 2035. The role of who has changed in the 21st century by dropping it’s budget. The budget for WHO used to be in the billions but then stopped down to the millions in around the year 2013. This was a dramatic drop since the budget was for the flu vaccine. The budget for that year wouldn’t even cover a population within a state. Dr. Yamey says that if WHO would have focused on the ebola outbreak and had a cure or a testing system ready to go, the outbreak would have been stopped earlier( TEDx Talks, 2015, 11:40).

The factors that have contributed to this was the fact that we the people started to cut the funding of The WHO organization. They had budget and staff cuts which means they had little left to work with. This is an organization that does research and try to prevent new diseases from spreading and keep the health of the world intact. The fact that the budget was cut for them made it hard to do more research and testing. We, the people need to put more money towards this program/organization because without it, we would have all types of diseases and viruses out there. Since the Corona virus is on the rise, The Who organization is researching and trying to keep the world safe from this virus. We have the money and the technology to reduce the deaths that stem from viruses and diseases.

Countries need to cooperate in achieving a grand convergence in global health to reduce the death rates of sicknesses that can be treated. For example, people in poor countries getting sick from the flu, when there is a flu vaccine to prevent that. The type of activities that they need to take part in is making sure all the health tools that is needed is available to everyone around the world. This seems tricky because if you want the health tools, it requires money. The poor countries living in poverty do not have the money to spend on those resources. How do they expect to have services everywhere if they do not have the money to fund it? There needs to be services that allow people to get treated at or to prevent situations from happening to them. The last thing would be to keep expanding the health tools to reach the point where we can close the gap in a certain situation (TEDx Talks, 2015). If you think about it, the health tools we have now, will not work in the year 2050. The tools will only get us so far before we need to get new technology/medicine to help whatever is out there. I think the countries and the people need to invest in WHO that way they can get information on how to protect ones self on a disease outbreak. They also need to invest in health since putting a dollar into health gives the outcome of a $9-$20 economic benefit (Global Health 2035, n.d).


After analyzing the TED talk given by Dr. Gavin Yamey, it can be seen that the World Health Organization has drastically changed from a negative perspective to various health experts around the world. The main reason for it to have changed relies on the fact that it has not managed properly the financial ways it invests its money towards a better world welfare in terms of health. This can be seen around the world in many countries, as stated by Dr Yamey, including the world’s most powerful countries as United States and even the countries from the third world that are considered among the poorest. According to Dr. Yamey, WHO has had for many years the main goal of investing in research and development for medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, and other cures for pandemics and epidemics for countries that are found to be in poverty but it has failed along the years to commit to these goals and objectives. The main reasons behind these involve its decline in budget and the concentration in terms of where they out this budget capital. After watching this video, I find it very interesting and of course extremely absurd the fact that Dr. Yamey explains that WHO has been declining its budget since 1994, and even of more crucial significance the fact that in 2013, its flu budget was just about 7 million dollars, which is equivalent to less than a third of what a city in the US spends in health care programs and health care awareness.

I can personally agree on the statement Dr. Yamey conveys addressing WHO in recommitting to its core objectives and functions, because that exactly is the main reason why outbreaks might have happened in the past years, and certainly might happen today and in the future. That being said, could be the main reason in why the United States has adapted an amazing state-of-the-art healthcare system technologically, but when it comes to monetary terms and costs, it is completely absurd how expensive it is; a flaw in the world’s health regulator will certainly bring flaws to countries which have money to develop, but do not have the people able or even willing to pay for those unbearable costs.

Sample Solution

For a considerable length of time the contention of unrestrained choice and determinism has been the continuous incredible discussion. Between a philosophical and logical position there have been numerous discussions regarding which idea maintains truth and keeps the laws of nature; determinism or unrestrained choice. Unrestrained choice is the idea that we as cognizant individuals can uninhibitedly and really settle on unsure decisions in circumstances where we are allowed to do as such. The restricting perspective to this, determinism, is the thought that all occasions on the planet are impacts or results of past occasions. Right now will quickly clarify the two thoughts too the assortments behind both them. I will give a short diagram of the logical and philosophical ways to deal with the thought of through and through freedom. In the event that determinism is valid, at that point the idea of human ethical quality is simply a deception of decision. Along these lines, unrestrained choice is the most reasonable on account of individuals on the grounds that as we know about our through and through freedom or our capacity to pick and this makes us answerable for moral activities and every single other go about as people. Determinism is the idea that everything is dictated by past occasions. It is firmly related with the domino impact; as one domino falls the following will fall et cetera. This shut all inclusive view implies that there everything is foreordained and fated to happen ruling out anything new to appear. Each activity, thought or cognizant choice that we make as a human is the impact of our past activity. In a more prominent sense, all occasions that have occurred in history are impacts of earlier occasions. This persuades everything is concrete and unalterable in past, present or future. Determinism is an expansive and radical thought that influences spilling convictions, for example, profound quality, science and religion.>

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