We can work on Atmosphere

How are the instruments below used to understand atmosphere and weather information?

a) Models of atmospheric structure-(http://celebrating200years.noaa.gov/magazine/modeling_101/welcome.html

b) Research balloons- https://www.weather.gov/bmx/kidscorner_weatherballoons

c) Ozone and absorption of radiation- https://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/facts/ozone_SH.html

B. AKQ1b: Why is it important to understand characteristics of the atmosphere?

  1. How does radiation coming in and going out interact within the troposphere and stratosphere? http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/Atmosphere/earth_atmosph_radiation_budget.html
  2. Explain the Earth’s energy budget (We will do this in a separate activity)
  3. The importance of the troposphere for weather and human activity.

C. AKQ2a: What is the pattern of air movement in the troposphere? (How do the following affect tropospheric air movement?) This link can cover many of the items below.

  1. Global insolation- View and take notes on this Bitesize guide, take the test and record your score: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z24rr82/revision/1#:~:text=Insolation%20is%20solar%20radiation%20received,by%20particles%20in%20the%20air.
  2. High and low pressure. (Temperature and pressure distribution/seasonal variation)
  3. Global and local winds-
  4. Effect of land, relief and ocean currents on air movement.

Sample Solution

A Definition of a Friend The meaning of a companion’s kinship isn’t only a “relationship”, to know somebody, to converse with that individual, or to exchange with that individual in business, school, or fortuitous colleague. Genuine kinship isn’t simply “relationship” however benevolent love. Companions are likewise strong and chivalrous, individuals you can trust. Individuals should be viewed as companions to have interesting quality. Companions are not naturally thought about companions. It doesn’t imply that there is a moment kinship since you know somebody. This doesn’t imply that associate can not be a valuable companionship. What is the meaning of a companion of a companion? Numerous individuals have companions and they can depend on anything. Others have great climate companions when they need something. There are endless meanings of companions. Individuals who have individual connections personally with others who have shared love and trust are characterized by a companion’s word reference. There are numerous definitions for companions, yet on the off chance that you have companions, you will know the genuine significance of your companions. The meaning of a companion’s kinship isn’t only a “relationship”, to know somebody, to converse with that individual, or to exchange with that individual in business, school, or circumstantial associate. Genuine fellowship isn’t simply “relationship” yet generous love. Companions are additionally steady and chivalrous, individuals you can trust. Individuals should be viewed as companions to have one of a kind quality. Companions are not naturally thought about companions. It doesn’t imply that there is a moment companionship since you know somebody. This doesn’t imply that colleague can not be a valuable kinship. What is the meaning of turning out to be companions with young ladies? Since I have been years, I know two clarifications. One is kinship and the other is fellowship. In the primary semester, individuals call young ladies “companions” and in the following semester individuals call young ladies “companions.” Well, misconception proceeds as individuals for the most part blend these two words altogether. Indeed, even superfluous issues will once in a while happen. Be that as it may, these issues for the most part happen when we are adolescents. At the point when we are still kids, we never experience these issues. I express gratitude toward God, we are so little and guiltless that we in the long run never experienced such an issue. Presently I comprehend why adolescence was previously the best. In any event, for me, everybody makes some rich memories.>

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