Part of assessing a communityâs vulnerability is determining what is at stake for loss in the future. Describe areas of your town or county that are undeveloped; include their current state as well as their potential future condition. Use resources such as the Internet, aerial maps, tax maps, and local land maps. Whenever possible, indicate who owns the property.

Sample Answer
here are some undeveloped areas in my town that are at risk for future loss:
- The floodplain:Â This area is at risk for flooding during heavy rains or storms. The current state of the floodplain is mostly undeveloped, with some agricultural land and a few small homes. However, there are plans to develop this area in the future, which would increase the risk of flooding. The property is owned by a variety of people, including individuals, businesses, and the government.
The hillsides:Â These areas are at risk for landslides during heavy rains or earthquakes. The current state of the hillsides is mostly undeveloped, with some forests and a few homes. However, there are plans to develop this area in the future, which would increase the risk of landslides. The property is owned by a variety of people, including individuals,
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