You are in the Archaic period of Greek History.You experienced the rise of the city states and saw the transition from the oligarchy to the tyrants. Then can trace democracy with these key Athenian leaders: Draco, Solon, Cleisthenes. and Pericles. You read the text, supplementary material on these leaders and then you choose ONE to write about in detail. .You are to write about their successful careers as Athenian leaders. This assignment will give you some insight into the leadership of Athens a key city state in ancient Greek history.

Sample Answer
Cleisthenes: Architect of Athenian Democracy
During the Archaic period of Greece, Athens, like many other city-states, underwent a dramatic transformation. Witnessing the rise of city-states from the ashes of the Dark Ages, I saw the shift from oligarchic rule by the elite to the rise of tyrants who promised a change in power dynamics. However, it was Cleisthenes, a key Athenian leader, who truly revolutionized Athenian society by laying the foundation for the world’s first democracy.
Cleisthenes, born into Athenian nobility around 570 BCE, emerged during a period of political unrest. The Athenians had recently ousted the tyrannical rule of the Pisistratid family, leaving behind a power vacuum. Cleisthenes, known for his political acumen and innovative spirit, saw this as an opportunity to reshape Athenian politics.
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